Roderick (Shane) Snipes’s Profile

Active 1 month ago
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Small Business Entrepreneurship / Innovation

Roderick (Shane) Snipes

2-year entrepreneurship degree program support material and updated resources.

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

brian kelley

This is a community space for LGBTQIA+/queer members of the BMCC community to locate resources, build networks of support and mentorship, and share experiences.

BMCC Blackstone Launchpad

Roderick (Shane) Snipes, Katerina Lewis Archer, Raquel Neris

The Blackstone BMCC LaunchPad network makes entrepreneurial skills and mindset accessible and relevant for all college students and alumni to help them build thriving careers and companies. • Get I […]

BMCC Business Management Faculty Resources

Roderick (Shane) Snipes

Welcome to the BMCC Business Management Faculty Resources page. This section provides faculty members with essential tools, documents, and guidance to enhance teaching, advising, and professional development. […]

Business Entrepreneur Club

Lance Haldeman

A community dedicated to serving those interested in the fields of business and entrepreneurship! Meetings: Hybrid (Both in-person & virtual) Wednesdays, 2pm / Room F701, 7th floor, Fiterman Hall Email: […]

BMCC 24/7 Book Club

BMCC 24/7 Book Club


Dive into our 24/7 Online Book Club, where the excitement of reading is brought to life! Explore a world of diverse topics, engage in dynamic discussions and connect with fellow readers from anywhere, anytime. Our […]

BMCC Entrepreneurship x Education Abroad

Roderick (Shane) Snipes

BMCC Business & ISDSI Program in Chiang Mai, Thailand Summer 2025 Expand Your Horizons, Enhance Your Career The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) is proud to announce an exciting new Education […]

Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP)

Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP)

Roderick (Shane) Snipes

CEEP allows students to build cultural and professional competencies while engaging in research on entrepreneurial ecosystems through small businesses in their local communities.

Why SBE 100 (Entrepreneurship) is right for you

Roderick (Shane) Snipes
Accounting Certificate Program|Accounting for Forensic Accounting, A.S.|Accounting, A.A.S.|Animation and Motion Graphics, A.S.|Art Foundations: Art History, A.A.|Video Arts and Technology, A.S.|Writing and Literature, A.A.|SBE 100|Every semester

Small Business Entrepreneurship 100 course is for any major!


Roderick (Shane) Snipes

Innovate@BMCC is a multidisciplinary group of faculty, staff and students who combine entrepreneurship with any major. Our goal is to help departments and students connect around their creative ideas.

SBE400: Small Business Management (Major Capstone)

Roderick (Shane) Snipes
Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|SBE 400

This course covers the management and operations of a small business. The general functions of management, factors in business success and failure, and the entrepreneur’s qualifications are covered. Case studies, […]

SBE100: Entrepreneurship – Product & Service Creation

Roderick (Shane) Snipes
Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|All

This course examines the building blocks of entrepreneurship, including an analysis of the entrepreneur and exploration of business opportunities. The course includes the investigation and practice of products and […]