shadiaelamin’s Profile
Introduction to the Moving Image is primarily a film history class.
Critical Thinking/ CRT 100-0507/ Spring22/ Prof. Barnes
Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, […]
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Here I am directing a TV talk show at the Studio, as you can see that communicting with the director of the photography to get him listen to my instruction.
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- CloneableCloneable
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I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
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I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
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mulitimedia programming and design
I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
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Filming plays, reels and head shots for actors
I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
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Filming plays, reels and head shots for actors
I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
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Here I am directing a TV talk show at the Studio, as you can see that communicting with the director of the photography to get him listen to my instruction.
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