shadiaelamin’s Profile

I have a diverse background in Professional Media and Fashion in front of the camera and behind the stage along with a multi-cultural life and work experience spanning over four continents. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. I am fluent in both English and Arabic as well as conversational German, Italian, Spanish and a bit of French; this will make me a great asset to your company. I am a self-starter with notable organizational and managerial skills. I am a highly motivated and an enthusiastic team player who works well under pressure and can work independently and take initiative on my own.
Introduction to the Moving Image is primarily a film history class.
Critical Thinking/ CRT 100-0507/ Spring22/ Prof. Barnes
Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, students will examine concrete examples from their own experience and readings and contemporary issues in the media to learn how to analyze issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions in their academic, professional, and personal lives.
Here I am directing a TV talk show at the Studio, as you can see that communicting with the director of the photography to get him listen to my instruction.
Prosuct photography
Product Photography, Head shots, and High fashion,
I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
I am directing an Interveiw talk Show at the Studio, Here I am communicting with the director of the photography .
None found.
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