Quentin Angus’s Profile

Active 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1 to 4 (of 4 total)
MUS 237 | Jazz and Popular Music Theory II | Course Hub

MUS 237 | Jazz and Popular Music Theory II | Course Hub

Quentin Angus
MUS 237

The second level of jazz and popular music theory, MUS237 continues the harmonic and voice-leading syntax of Western popular music. Although emphasis is given to North American and European popular music genres […]

MUS 180 | Guitar Class I | MUS 190 | Guitar Class II | Course Hub

Quentin Angus

This course is open to all students and is a two-semester sequence in guitar playing. Students will learn guitar repertoire in a variety of styles, including modern chordal accompaniments for simple popular, rock […]

MUS 137 | Jazz and Popular Music Theory I | Course Hub

MUS 137 | Jazz and Popular Music Theory I | Course Hub

Quentin Angus
Music, A.S.

The first level of jazz and popular music theory. MUS 137 introduces the harmonic and voice-leading syntax of Western popular music. Although emphasis is given to North American and European popular music genres […]

MUS 114 | Music Business | Course Hub

MUS 114 | Music Business | Course Hub

Quentin Angus
Music, A.S.

MUS114 is an introduction to the modem-day music industry. The course explores aspects of the music business including: branding, marketing and publicity, social networks, music licensing, publishing, copyright, […]