Nathalie Sanchez’s Profile
1 to 2 (of 2 total)
COM 150-00 | Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture | Fall 2023| Prof. Eliot Chayt
Eliot Chayt
COM 150|Fall 2023
OpenLab site for the 1300 section of COM 150. Join if you’re in my class!!
GWS 100-1100 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser
Hollis F. Glaser
Gender and Women’s Studies, A.A.|Liberal Arts, A.A.|GWS 100|Spring 2023
This Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies course is a fully online course taught during the Spring 2023 semester by Dr. Hollis Glaser. Dr. Brianne Waychoff created this course and I am teaching it in her […]
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