Margaret Carson’s Profile

Active 1 month, 1 week ago
1 to 10 (of 10 total)

LMS Transition at BMCC

Gina Cherry, Thomas Harbison

A space for sharing information about the upcoming transition from Blackboard to Brightspace.

First Year Experience (FYE) Teaching Resources for Faculty

Ewa Barnes, Timothy Leonard

How can we contribute to student success–success not only academic, but also emotional and social–during their time at BMCC? Students’ first year experience is especially important in developing and nourishing […]

Academic Senate

Academic Senate

Christopher Stein

The online community for the BMCC Academic Senate.

BMCC Academic Leaves

Greer J. McPhaden

A space for faculty to share information about the projects they worked on while on academic leave. Contact Greer McPhaden for information about how to submit your project. If you join this group, you will receive […]

Teach On!

Teach On!

Gina Cherry

A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on […]


Berenice Darwich

Pictures, memories, notes of appreciation, vignettes, anecdotes, etc. of Alicia’s life

Open Education Seminars | Winter 2023

Gina Cherry, jean amaral

A virtual learning community for faculty who are participating in January 2023 OER/ZTC Course Redesign or Open Pedagogy Assignments. (image credit: ”Open Sign” by AlanDavidRobb is free to use under Pixabay license)

Remembering Carol Wasserman

Remembering Carol Wasserman

Kristina Rose Varade, Rachel Corkle

Pictures, memories, notes of appreciation, vignettes, anecdotes, etc. of Carol’s life

Culturally Sustaining Practices

Culturally Sustaining Practices

Gina Cherry

A space for BMCC faculty and staff to share and discuss culturally sustaining pedagogies and practices.

Español 211.130W Escritura Intensiva Primavera 2020 Profesora Margaret Carson

Margaret Carson
Spanish, A.A.|SPN211|Spring 2020

Español 211.090W es un curso de escritura intensiva enfocado en mejorar la expresión escrita de la lengua (organización, claridad, profundidad del pensamiento). Desarrolla el pensamiento crítico y la capacidad ana […]