Maria Gomez’s Profile

Active 2 years, 9 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4 total)

ECE 210 Social Foundations of Early Care and Education (Spring 2021)

Antonio Freitas
Spring 2021

The EC field, particularly in the US, is one fraught with a history of inequity that can be addressed and dismantled with your awareness and actions. Over the course of the semester, we’ll explore the lives, […]

Maria Gomez’s ECE-Portfolio

Maria Gomez’s ECE-Portfolio

Maria Gomez’s ECE- Portfolio

ECE 110 Seminar | Section 091| Spring 2021 | J. Longley

Jen Longley
Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S.|ECE 110-Seminar|Spring 2021

Students complete the required 15 hours of fieldwork for ECE 110 by enrolling, attending and participating in this fieldwork seminar. The fieldwork seminar will meet two hours a week at our enrolled […]

Maria Gomez ECE- Portfolio89

Maria Gomez ECE- Portfolio89

Maria Gomez

This is the master copy of the Early Childhood Education major e-Portfolio template