Leslie Huiracocha’s Profile

Active 4 years, 9 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2 total)
SOC 100 (1708): Culture and Society | Spring 2020 | Prof. Alapo

SOC 100 (1708): Culture and Society | Spring 2020 | Prof. Alapo

Oluremi "Remi" Alapo
SOC 100 |Spring 2020

This course studies the social world and how it has evolved over time, as well as how individuals are influenced and structured by social interactions in small groups and by larger social forces. The course covers […]

SOC 100 (1902): The Individual, Culture and Society |Spring 2020 | Prof. Alapo

Sociology, A.A.|SOC 100 |Spring 2020

This course studies the social world and how it has evolved over time, as well as how individuals are influenced and structured by social interactions in small groups and by larger social forces. The course covers […]