Leilani’s Profile

Active 3 years, 10 months ago


GWS 100-140W | Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies | Dr. Munshi | Spring 2021

GWS 100-140W | In­tro­duc­tion to Gen­der & Women’s Stud­ies | Dr. Mun­shi | Spring 2021

This in­tro­duc­tory-level, in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary course ex­plores the basic con­cepts and per­spec­tives of Gen­der & Women’s Stud­ies (GWS) from an in­ter­sec­tional angle; that is, ex­am­in­ing the ways in which gen­der in­ter­sects with race, eth­nic­ity, na­tion­al­ity, class, sex­u­al­ity, sex­ual iden­tity, dis­abil­ity, and other cat­e­gories. The con­cepts of gen­der—the roles, be­hav­iors, ac­tiv­i­ties, and at­trib­utes that a so­ci­ety con­sid­ers ap­pro­pri­ate for men and women— priv­i­lege and op­pres­sion, in­ter­sec­tion­al­ity, and fem­i­nist praxis will be at the core of this course. After a back­ground in the his­tory and sig­nif­i­cance of GWS as a field of study, you will learn to crit­i­cally ex­am­ine how in­sti­tu­tion­al­ized priv­i­lege and op­pres­sion shape in­di­vid­ual lives and in­ter­sect­ing iden­tity cat­e­gories. Avatar Image by Alina Tauseef (avail­able here: https://​justseeds.​org/​graphics/)


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