Kellie Ortiz’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4 total)

MMP 350 Advanced Web Design

Christopher Stein
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP 350|Fall 2021

Class Profile for Prof Stein’s MMP 350 Spring 2021

MMA215-1300 Typography & Layout

Eva Machauf
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMA215|Spring 2020

A forum for students in the MMA 215 Typography & Layout class to share projects and ideas.

MMP 200 Multimedia Design Spring 20

MMP 200 Multimedia Design Spring 20

Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP 200|Spring 2020

Hands on introduction to user experience and interface design for screen-based, interactive media. Topics include user-centered design, visual and interaction design and information architecture. Students will […]

MMP 240 Web Design Spring 20

MMP 240 Web Design Spring 20

Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP 240|Spring 2020

This course gives students a solid foundation of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, graphic design and UX principles.