Jackie Normyle’s Profile

Active 1 year, 7 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5 total)

The Achievers Community

Jackie Cleerdin

The Achievers is a cohort that honors and serves students who have demonstrated academic excellence while at BMCC. The Achievers community nurtures our students’ potential and creates programming that is r […]

GAINS Scholars

Alexa Andrade

This is the ONLINE COMMUNITY of the Gaining Academic Insight & New Strategies Program (GAINS). Connect with others or tap into free and valuable resources. Through this collaboration between the BMCC Counseling […]

Reimagining My Community Summer ’23

Reimagining My Community Summer ’23

Jackie Normyle

Reimagining My Community is a summer leadership development program that will encourage students to think critically, evaluate community assets and deficits, and create a project proposal to augment a selected […]

Reimagining My Community Summer ’22

Reimagining My Community Summer ’22

Jackie Normyle

Reimagining My Community is an internship program that will encourage students to think critically, evaluate community assets and deficits, and create a project proposal to augment a selected neighborhood’s quality of life.

RMC Portfolio

RMC Portfolio

Jackie Normyle

Portfolio for RMC Media