Edith Kisbedo’s Profile

Active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Edith Kisbedo
Teacher Education
Academic Program
Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S.


Music, Culture, and Child Development

Music, Culture, and Child Development

This course focuses on providing teachers with tools and activities to support young children’s musical, cultural, and physical development.

ENG 201 | Introduction to Literature | Fall 2023 | Celeste Conway

ENG 201 | Introduction to Literature | Fall 2023 | Celeste Conway

Introduction to Literature

ECE 211 Curriculum for Young Children 1 – Fall 2023

ECE 211 Curriculum for Young Children 1 – Fall 2023

This course is an introduction to the theories, methods and materials of curriculum planning in early childhood education (Preschool – Grade 2), with an emphasis on providing developmentally and culturally appropriate learning environments and experiences that encourage creativity in young children. The following topics are explored in depth: the intellectual and emotional importance of fostering creativity, the role of play in learning, the design of effective arts-based learning environments; the role of visual arts, music, movement and language arts/emergent literacy in developing children?s cognitive, social-emotional, physical, language and self-help skills. Course work includes workshops in planning and implementing creative arts experiences for young children.


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