Djibrilla Issa Hamani’s Profile

Active 1 year, 5 months ago
Djibrilla Issa Hamani
About Me
Just a guy trying to build an empire.
Business Management
Academic Program
Business Administration, A.S.


MAR 100-B050 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Fall 2022

MAR 100-B050 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Fall 2022

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer value in the context of a competitive environment.

MAR 100-B051 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023

MAR 100-B051 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer value in the context of a competitive environment.


Student Government Association

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of every student at BMCC and is devoted to advocating for those issues that will enhance the educational, social, and career development of BMCC students. Meetings: In person / Wednesdays, 4pm / Room S242, Main Building, 2nd floor


Reimagining My Community Summer ’23

Reimagining My Community Summer ’23

Reimagining My Community is a summer leadership development program that will encourage students to think critically, evaluate community assets and deficits, and create a project proposal to augment a selected neighborhood’s quality of life.

Djibrilla's Friends

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