David Flick’s Profile

VP of the BMCC Pre-Law Society.
Constitutional Law – Federal Jurisdiction, Statutory Interpretation
History – English Legal History, the Enlightenment, the Napoleonic Era
Philosophy – Metaphysics, Philosophy of Law, Natural Law Ethics, Social Contract Theory
CRJ 202-0500 | Corrections | Satenik Margaryan |Spring 2021
This course examines the history of criminal punishment in Western society, emphasizing the United States. The course highlights social forces (political, religious, economic, and technological) shaping punishment; reviews common theories (deterrence, retribution, rehabilitation, incapacitation, and restoration) and examines how theory relates to policy. The course takes a critical approach to correctional systems and policies by considering disparities and structural inequalities. Empirical evidence is used to examine contemporary crises of punishment (i.e., mass incarceration, school-to-prison pipeline) as well as prison culture, staffing, privatization, and prisoner civil rights. Alternatives to traditional punishment, especially restorative justice models, are explored.
English 201: Introduction to Literature Fall 2020 [Conway]
Introduction to Literature
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