Craig Nielsen’s Profile

Active 1 day, 9 hours ago
Craig Nielsen
Open Educational Resources & Research Librarian
About Me
I am an Open Educational Resources (OER) & Research Librarian at BMCC’s A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library. My time is currently split between working with Open Knowledge Librarian jean amaral on the IMLS-funded “College Fluency Capacity Building” grant, and working on BMCC’s OER and open pedagogy ecosystems. I’m also who you can contact for help using the Podcast Booth or editing your recordings.


MES 152 | Introduction to Contemporary Media | Course Hub

MES 152 | Introduction to Contemporary Media | Course Hub

MES 152 course resources

COM 240 | Interpersonal Communication | Course Hub

COM 240 | Interpersonal Communication | Course Hub

Coming Soon


BMCC Voices Podcast

BMCC Voices Podcast

BMCC Voices is an initiative of the BMCC OpenLab. Our goal is to share with the world how students experience their journey at BMCC through the lens of the entire college community, including teachers, staff, and, of course, students. If you are interested in sharing your story, send an email to

The Black Panthers | BMCC News

The Black Panthers | BMCC News

BMCC Students Report on College and Student Life. News for Students by Students.

BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads – The space for sharing books, reviews, clubs, films and ideas

OER/ZTC for Students

OER/ZTC for Students

OER/ZTC for students. Under construction

Rainbow Panthers Club

Rainbow Panthers Club

Our mission is to To provide a safe and supportive environment for lgbtqia BMCC students and their cisgender and a heterosexual allies. Meetings: Wednesdays, 2pm / Meeting details will be sent upon signing up as a member Email:


Open Educational Resources at BMCC

Open Educational Resources at BMCC

This project and site are a resource for faculty interested in redesigning their courses with open educational resources (OER) and other no-cost materials, including library resources. (image credit: Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash)

College Fluency Capacity Building

College Fluency Capacity Building

College Fluency Capacity Building: Empowering Librarians to Support Students Navigating College is an IMLS-funded research project running from August 2022 to January 2025. See our project site for more information.