Carmen Morales’s Profile

Active 2 years, 6 months ago
Carmen Morales
Teacher Education
Academic Program
Mathematics and Sciences for Secondary Education, A.S.


ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1605 | Fall 2020

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1605 | Fall 2020

This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in other areas. Topics include: national income and national product; saving, consumption, investment, the multiplier theory, fiscal policy, inflation, employment and business cycles. The student will also be acquainted with money, banking, and central bank monetary policies, as well as some of the more significant theories of international trade and economic development.

Introduction to Literature, ENG 201, Fall 2020, Prof. Perry

Introduction to Literature, ENG 201, Fall 2020, Prof. Perry

English 201 Intro to Literature for Spring 2020.


BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads – The space for sharing books, reviews, clubs, films and ideas

The Math Group

The Math Group

This is an open space to talk about MATHEMATICS

Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship

Updates on faculty and student scholarships

BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy Workshop Summer 2020

BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy Workshop Summer 2020

This community is open to all interested in trauma informed teaching and learning, but was designed for the BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy August 2020 workshop series.




Information on the BMCC Makerspace (opened to all faculty and students)

ECE 411 Capstone Project

ECE 411 Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Where I’m From by janiah Payne

Where I’m From by janiah Payne

Where im from