bintigbe’s Profile
1 to 2 (of 2 total)
MAT 301|Calculus I|Sec. 0503|Prof. Retamoso|Summer 5W2 2020
Mathematics, A.S.|MAT 301|Summer 5W2 2020
This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, […]
- OpenOpen
MAT 206 | Precalculus|Sec. 0801|Prof. Retamoso|Spring 2020
MAT 206|Spring 2020
This course covers basic algebraic and trigonometric skills, algebraic equations, and functions. Topics include: mathematical induction, complex numbers, and the binomial theorem.
- OpenOpen