A. Judith Yancey’s Profile

Active 6 months, 3 weeks ago
A. Judith Yancey
Office Location
Academic Literacy and Linguistics


CRT 100 | Critical Thinking | Course Hub

CRT 100 | Critical Thinking | Course Hub

Do you teach Critical Thinking without a textbook? Or do you teach Critical Thinking and currently use a textbook but would like to switch to Open Educational Resources? Either way, this site is for you. This website was created as an OER (Open Educational Resource) for the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s CRT 100: Critical Thinking course. Although CRT 100 instructors are free to select any topics and instructional materials, they should prioritize teaching the skills listed in the student learning outcomes. Accordingly, the content of this course hub has been divided into suggested “topics.” Each topic has a dedicated page with multiple posts, which include assignments, activities, PowerPoints, and other relevant materials. The “essays” section includes essay assignments and relevant resources. The “resources” section provides external links to other materials. For contributions to the site, go to “contribute.” Thank you to all Academic Literacy and Linguistics faculty who’ve already contributed materials to this site. This site is part of a broader effort to encourage openness and collaboration among instructors. This site is administered by Prof. Ewa Barnes, Lecturer at the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s Academic Literacy and Linguistics Department. Feel free to contact me with any resources, comments and questions at ebarnes@bmcc.cuny.edu.

Kate Johnson Critical Thinking for ESL CRT 100.6 1400 Fall 2020

Kate Johnson Critical Thinking for ESL CRT 100.6 1400 Fall 2020

coming soon


Training for Teaching FYE

Training for Teaching FYE

A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in FYE Training.

First Year Experience (FYE) Teaching Resources for Faculty

First Year Experience (FYE) Teaching Resources for Faculty

How can we contribute to student success–success not only academic, but also emotional and social–during their time at BMCC? Students’ first year experience is especially important in developing and nourishing their sense of purpose and belonging, their love of learning, access to services and resources, as well as students’ exploration of career paths and citizenship. This is the goal of FYE-embedded courses, and here is a resource site with relevant materials for faculty. We welcome contributions.


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