Alison Slon’s Profile

Active 6 months ago
Alison Slon
Media Arts and Technology
Academic Programs
Animation and Motion Graphics, A.S., Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S., Video Arts and Technology, A.S.


CRJ 200 | Constitutional Law | Course Hub

CRJ 200 | Constitutional Law | Course Hub

This course provides a historical overview of the relationship of the states to the Bill of Rights, and how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the powers of the federal government. The effect of the due process clause of the fourteenth Amendment on the application of the Bill of Rights to the states is examined through a study of the leading Supreme Court decisions related to criminal justice. Topics include characteristics and powers of the three branches of government, the principles governing the operation of the Bill of Rights, and the variables affecting the formulation of judicial policy. This course hub contains Open Educational Resources and /Zero Text Cost resources for faculty teaching U.S. Constitutional Law (CRJ200). These resources are freely available for use.

Intro to Multimedia 5000

Intro to Multimedia 5000

An introduction to Multimedia


Media Arts and Technology Department

Media Arts and Technology Department

This community is for the students, faculty and staff of the Media Arts and Technology (MEA) Department and anyone who is interested in the department and its activities.

BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads

BMCC Reads – The space for sharing books, reviews, clubs, films and ideas

MEA Faculty and Staff

MEA Faculty and Staff

This project is for planning and administration of the Media Arts and Technology Department. It is an internal project and has information and resources for the faculty and staff. Please ask to join if you teach in or work with the department. If you are a student or looking for the externally facing department site visit the Media Arts and Technology Department project.

Teaching on the OpenLab

Teaching on the OpenLab

A place for BMCC faculty who are teaching (or considering teaching) on the OpenLab to connect and share ideas. Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay


Teach On!

Teach On!

A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on “Visit Project Site” in the upper right to access BMCC’s Course Continuity Resources website.