Ashley Monegro’s Profile

ENG 201: Introduction to Literature Winter 2021 [Conway]
Introduction to Literature
MAT 301|Calculus I|Sec. 0501|Prof. Retamoso|Winter 2021
This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, continuity, related rates, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, Rolle’s Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem, maxima and minima, and integration.
The mission of the Premedical Society is to provide an opportunity for all BMCC students interested in medical and/or health related careers to organize a community; and with the help of the society’s events and resources, learn about the medical environment and specializations, and cultivate skills and knowledge necessary for successful entry to medical school.
ASAP Tutoring & Support Services
ASAP tutoring services consist of tutoring on Upswing and Supplemental Instructions (SI) sessions on Zoom. All tutoring sessions are online until further notice.