Spring 2021 Faculty Paperwork

MEA teaching faculty and CLTs use this form to enter your Spring 2021 information and paperwork.

Adjunct profs and CLTs, you can find blank and example workload forms here:

For more instructions for adjuncts read this post (requires membership in MEA faculty/staff community)

Full-time faculty only, there will be a different workload form process.

MEA Spring 2021 Paperwork

Start of the semester paperwork for the MEA department

  • Personal Information

  • We will use this when students ask for your email address.
  • You only need to enter this if your address has updated. NOTE!! This is not an official address change. That you have to do with HR.
  • Office Hours / Lab Hours

    Information on how you will be providing your Office Hours (teaching faculty) or Lab Hours (CLT faculty).
  • When you are holding office hours (ie Monday 4p-5p, Thursday 10a-11a and 5p-6p).
  • Describe how you will meet with students. Be as specific as possible. For example if you’re using Zoom include the meeting information. If you’re using other methods, describe them. We will give this information to students if they ask how to meet with you.
  • Course Information

  • Each section must have a course site where students go to get information for the course. This can be a Blackboard course, an OpenLab course or your own web site. Let us know what you’re using. If there is a URL, you can enter it in the fields below. For CLTs please enter the information for your lab hours and how students will come to them.
  • Optional, if you are using a site other than Blackboard for your course.
  • Optional, if you are using a site other than Blackboard for your course and have different sites for different sections
  • If your class has synchronous meeting times then let us know how you’re meeting with students (Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate etc). If you are able to give the link, great. Otherwise let us know how students can find the link. If you’re teaching more than one course let us know if they are the same or different and put in both if different.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 100 MB.
      Upload all syllabi for your courses. Max individual file size is 150MB. If you have issues, email the syllabi to Jen: jheron@bmcc.cuny.edu
    • Paperwork

    • Max. file size: 100 MB.
      Do NOT enter in your office hours on the workload forms. A blank form and examples were sent in an email to the department. If you have questions, let Jen know.


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