Equity through Design Mentorship Program 2021

Equity through Design Mentorship is a program that connects working professional designers in Film, Theater and Live Entertainment with students like you. This is a chance to learn more about careers in design from a working professional.

In order to be part of the program you must apply on their web site.

Application Form: view Application Form

Application Deadline: October 8, 2021

Mentorships will be announced on October 25 with a kickoff on October 30.

Saturday Sessions

Part of the program will include virtual Saturday Sessions with working professionals. You will be able to attend these even if not part of the official Mentorship program. The details are not posted yet (9/22/21) but will eventually be at this link: http://www.etdmentorship.org/copy-of-calendar-of-events

More about EtDM

They are a group of stage and film design professionals, members of the union United Scenic Artist Local 829. They created the mentorship program to improve equity of the professionals working in their field.

The mentors are working design professionals who create all kinds of design assets (from the newspaper people read to signs on the street to physical items on set that need to be designed.

EtDM web site: http://www.etdmentorship.org/

Contact EtDM: view web contact form

Mentorship Program Flyer

below is a PDF flyer for the program


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