ANI Majors Spring 2021 Registration Update

This information is for Animation and Motion Graphics (ANI) majors for Spring 2021.

Latest Updates

  • [1/13/21] New section of MMP 250 is open: MMP 250 090, Class Nmbr 66118, 9:00a –12:40p Tuesdays. See below for more info.
  • [1/13/21] New section of ANI 401 is open: ANI 401 1302 class nmbr 66120, 1:00p–4:40p Thursdays
  • Register now for ANI 360. The pre-requisite is MMP/ANI 260 and it can replace ANI 402. See new course info below.
  • ANI 301 Introduction to Video Graphics is open. Register now.
  • You can now use the MEA Request form to request Overtallies or new sections of full classes. This is not guaranteed but we will take your request under consideration.

MMP 250 Digital Film Fundamentals

As of January 13, 2021 a second section of MMP 250 has opened: MMP 250 090, Class Nmbr 66118, 9:00a –12:40p Tuesdays

The alternative MEA 300 1400 Experimental Film with Prof Phil Weisman is still in place, but will be full soon. The department will create a course substitution for you so that it will count in the same place as MMP 250. NOTE: registration in all MEA 300 courses is by department permission only. Please use this form to contact us to request enrollment the course. Only after you are given permission will you be able to register on CUNYfirst.

NEW COURSE: ANI 360 2D Animation Projects

A number of you really like 2D animation and wanted more after MMP 260 (now ANI 260). So we created ANI 360. In this course you will use industry-standard 2D animation software to make original animations in traditional hand-drawn animation as well as cutout and stop-motion animation. This course requires that you have already taken MMP 260/ANI 260. view PDF flyer

ANI 360 can count in place of ANI 402 for students who would rather take a second 2D animation course instead of a second 3D animation course. Because this course was not part of the ANI major requirements for most majors, you will need a course substitution for it to count. We will grant substitutions to all who ask. Use to ask for a substitution.

New Course Codes

In order to make it more clear that these courses are a core part of the Animation and Motion Graphics major, their course codes were changed to ANI.

  • MMP 260 is now ANI 260
  • VAT 301 is now ANI 301

VAT 301 and MMP 260 will now appear as ANI 301 and ANI 260 respectively on CUNYfirst going forward. The course descriptions and content remain exactly the same as they were under the previous course codes.

New Courses

  • ANI 360 2D Animation Projects: you will use industry-standard 2D animation software to make original animations in traditional hand-drawn animation as well as cutout and stop-motion animation.
    • See above for more info. Requires you have already taken MMP 260 or ANI 260. Can sub in place of ANI 402. view PDF flyer
  • MMP 270 Introduction to Video Game Design: Topics include Principles of Game Design, basic programming, graphics and animation, sound design, publishing and distribution.
  • MEA 300 sections will count as an Advised Elective (unless otherwise requested as for MMP 250 above). Each section is different. All MEA 300 courses require Department Permission for registration. Use to ask for permission.
    • MEA 300 1400, Topic: Experimental Film, Class Number 54986
      • Learn to create unscripted, experimental films. The class covers both theory and practice including shooting and editing. You should first complete one of these media courses: MES 140 or VAT 100 or MMP100. Prof Phil Wiesman,
      • This can substitute for MMP 250.
    • MEA 300 1300, Topic: TV Writing, Class Number 58050
      • Write a script for a television show and learn from a prof who has worked in the TV industry. You must complete MES 153 Script Writing first. Prof Melanie Oram,
    • MEA 300 1401, Topic: TV History, Class Number 63209
      • Learn about the history of television from a prof who has a deep understanding and experience. The course will include special archival footage. It’s helpful to have some knowledge of TV/Film history and writing skills before taking the course. So you should first complete MES 140 and a writing course, ideally ENG 201 or higher. Prof Phil Gries
    • Cancelled MEA 300 1001, Topic: Documentary Production
      • Unfortunately, this section was canceled due to a lack of enrollment.

WINTER 2021 Tuition Waivers

The following MEA courses are eligible for Tuition waivers in Winter:

  • MEA 201 (Professional Development and Career Planning in Media Arts and Technology)
  • MMP 100 (Introduction to Multimedia)

See this page on the BMCC website for more information:


If you want to take the internship class, MEA 371 Media Arts and Technology Internship, then you will need to register on Career Express and attend an Internship Information Session. The Office of Internships and Experiential Learning registers you. You can’t register yourself on CUNYfirst. For more information read this post.

Online in Spring 2021

All classes taught in Spring 2021 will be taught online. In order to have the best experience possible, please stay in touch with the MEA Department and your professor about your technology needs.

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  1. Pingback: Register for Spring 2021 – Media Arts and Technology

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