Day 1: Using R as Calculator (We will not save files in R format for now!)
Objective: How to upload a .csv file into R?
Step 1 Prepare your workspace
Whenever you begin/complete your work with R execute these two commands: rm(list=ls()) and ls() .
Launch R and type into console panel:
press ENTER key, then check if your workspace is cleared
by using:
Step 2 Upload survey data, Sur1.csv by using following syntax
Sur1 <-read.csv(file.choose(),header=TRUE)
Note: You must have your .csv file already downloaded to your computer, (e.g. to your desktop).
Step 3 Check the structure of data uploaded by using the following code
Step 4 Optional: Verify names of variables included in data by using the following syntax
Step 5 View the first five rows of Sur1 data using the following syntax:
head(Sur1, 5)
Step 6
Attach Sur1 data in order to use names of respected variables without $ sign
Step 7 Get a quick look at the summary of variables of Sur1
- summary(Sur1)
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