In Week B, we will focus on two units of study: Unit 2: Ethics & Social Responsibility & Unit 3: The Marketing Environment.
In Unit 2: Ethics & Social Responsibility we’ll be learning about how organizations have to uphold ethical standards in their operations, and what the consequences may be if they do not. We’ll also learn about social responsibility, or the desire and expectation society has for organizations to help better the world.
We’ve made it to Unit 3: The Marketing Environment this week, where we will learn about how an organization must adapt its marketing plan to the elements in the external environment. Think of the things organizations have had to alter about their operations and how they market their products and services to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic!
External forces, or circumstances outside of an organization’s control continually mold and reshape the target market which consumes products and services. Because of these changes, marketers have to be quick-thinking and strategic to not lose market share, and must always be able to showcase an organization in the best light. We’ll learn about and discuss the marketing environment for this week’s assignment.
Use the Week B links in our Course Schedule to access our Course Materials and Assignments for this unit. As a reminder, all assignments must be submitted by Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 11:59pm ET.