Learning Goals
- Examine the relationships between survivors of gendered violence and the criminal legal system (and related institutions).
- Explore different praxis examples that work towards the freedom of criminalized survivors.
As you read, please be aware that these pieces contain references to different forms of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violence. Please also do your best to read these pieces without judgment. Pay attention to what you learn about the ways that violence operates and the role of institutions (like the legal system) in the experience of violence.
Read: Thuma, “Lessons in Self-Defense: Gender Violence, Racial Criminalization, and Anticarceral Feminism.”
- What is a “defense campaign?”
- Thuma focuses on four specific campaigns- what do they have in common? What are the goals of the campaigns? What strategies do they use? Be specific.
Read: Kandaswamy, “Race, Reproductive Justice, and the Criminalization of Purvi Patel.”
- What happened in this case? What is the role of the legal system?
- What is the author’s argument about the role of racism?
Praxis Models
This week, you will review different aspects of the work of Survived and Punished.— please explore the website to see the different areas of their work.
Watch: “Survived+Punished: Ny Nourn” (16 minutes)
Watch: “No Perfect Victims” (pick 2-3 videos on this page to watch; you can read the full interview as well)
Watch: Out in the Night (on Kanopy) (75 minutes)
- What are the ways that survivors become criminalized? What does the legal system do?
- What do these materials show you about the strategies being used to fight for the freedom of criminalized survivors? What are their strategies and why?
- Post and Comment on Discussion Board #8
- Post due Thursday 10/22
- Comment due Sunday 10/25
This week, please use the discussion board to respond to the different texts by answering the following questions:
- This week, there are no specific questions for you to respond to– instead, please reflect on what you learned from the materials this week about the role of the legal system in the lives of survivors, what questions they raise for you, and any other feelings/comments/ ideas that the materials sparked.
Work on Final Project
The annotated bibliography with EIGHT sources is due on Friday, 10/23– updated schedule here
The full assignment is here: