Learning Goals
This week’s materials ask us to think about ourselves as researchers and our relationship to the people/communities that may be involved in our research, directly or indirectly. We will:
- Define and discuss “reflexivity,” and the role of the researcher
- Define and discuss “damage-centered” research
- Analyze our research methods and goals with the use of these concepts
Watch + Read
First, watch this video for an overview of the key concepts for this week, information about the readings, and guiding questions that will support you as you read. You can also go directly to the notes that I review in the video here
Then, read/watch the following:
- Jorgenson, “Reflexivity in Feminist Research Practice: Hearing the Unsaid”
- Tuck, “Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities”
- “A Girl Like Me” (video), referenced in the piece by Tuck
Praxis Model: Young Women’s Empowerment Project
- This week, we will look more closely at Young Women’s Empowerment Project, an organization that worked with young people of color involved in the sex trades and other street economies. Be sure to look at their mission and how they think about leadership and “allies,” and their research reports here and here.
- As you look at the site, consider the following:
- What issues are important to YWEP?
- What are the ideas (theory + analysis) that inform their work?
- What strategies do they use to make their intervention? What are the goals of their action?
- And, specifically with respect to their research project– what are their methods? What is the relationship between the researcher and the people who are being researched?
- As you look at the site, consider the following:
Post and Comment on Discussion Board #5
- Define and discuss “reflexivity” in your own words. What are some ways that you will consider “reflexivity” in your project? How might you “bend back?”
- What do you think about Tuck’s argument about damage-centered research? What role do “damage” and “desire” play in your project?
Work on Final Project
- Final project proposal due Tuesday, 9/29!
- Set up meeting #2 with me here