Alyssa Granderson- DB6


  • What is the thesis, research question, or problem that the literature review addresses? (What is the purpose of the literature review?)  Be specific- quote the article.

In the article Paternal Influences on Adolescent Sexual Behavior I believe that the research question is what role do parents have on adolescent sexual behavior. I say this because in the abstract it says, “The objective of this study was to conduct a structured review to assess the role of paternal influence on adolescent sexual behavior and to assess the methodological quality of the paternal influence literature related to adolescent sexual behavior.”

In the article Gender Identity in European Family Farming it stats in the first paragraph “This paper is concerned with representation of gender in research texts. It uses the research literature on gender in family farming as study material in order to pinpoint meanings of gender in the academic literature.”


  • What do the authors do? What type of literature do they review? Do they review literature in a particular field or discipline?


Vincent Guilamo-Ramos is employed in the Silver School of Social Work and Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health along with Jane Lee and Katherine McCarthy. Alida Bouris is employed at the School of Social Administration. And Shannon L. Michael, Seraphine Pitt-Barnes, and Patricia Dittus is employed in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I think this literature was in a particular field because this study was in a particular field.



In the article Gender Identity in European Family Farming. The author, Berit Brandth focuses on the literature based on rural gender studies and agricultural media mainly for analysis. I think this literature was discipline because of the format it is written in.


  • What does the literature review find? You may want to look at how it is organized (e.g. headings) to analyze the different themes or areas of information that the review contains.

In the article Paternal Influences on Adolescent Sexual Behavior the authors searched 6 databases for keywords of adolescent sexual behavior and parenting processes were identified. There were 4 main points for the literature they reviewed, 1- articles were prereview between 1980-2011, 2- adolescents were living in the U.S ages 11-18, 3- examined adolescent sexual behaviors or reproductive outcomes, and 4- focused on paternal parenting processes. The conclusions from the study were that fathers have the potential to uniquely influence adolescent sexual behavior, but it is overlooked.

In the article Gender Identity in European Family Farming. I believe that the findings are that farm women’s main strategy is loyalty to ensure the survival of the family farm.



  • What are the gaps or next steps, according to the author?

I’m not sure what the findings for article Gender Identity in European Family Farming. In Paternal Influences on Adolescent Sexual Behavior the next steps would be that the fathers influence the sexual behavior on their children. Which is understandable because from the finding fathers do play a role in adolescent sexual behavior.



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