How to POST and COMMENT + other instructions


HOW TO POST: Here are step-by-step instructions to create a post. 
    • You can write your post by going to the plus sign at the top of the site > type a title* and type the body of your post > choose the category “Discussion Board  __” with the corresponding number for the Discussion Board on the right on the right > publish.

*Please use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] DB __” (insert corresponding discussion number)

HOW TO COMMENT: Here are step by step instructions to write a comment. 
    • Submit your comment on the post of a classmate by selecting the title of the post > scroll down to where you leave a reply > type the comment > post comment.
Instructions– from pages 3-4 on the syllabus:

The Discussion Board is our primary way to interact with each other as a class. Every week, you will be responsible to create a new post on our class discussion board as well as to comment on at least one of your classmates’ posts. 

I will post prompts with guidelines to get you started. The prompts for your posts will be about the course materials and/or your projects. The posts are an opportunity for you to openly share your thoughts and questions about the course topics and materials. If there are specific ideas or questions that you want to discuss, beyond the prompt, you can include them in your post. Your comments on posts should engage the author’s writing, your response/reflection, connection, or questions. 

We will have a lot of discussion in this class. It is okay for us to disagree with one another and have questions for one another. It’s important that we are mindful of how we communicate and do our best to show one another kindness, compassion, and respect.

All discussion board writing — your post and your comments– is informal writing. You can write in the tone and voice you would use if you were in conversation with us in person. However, all posts and comments should meet the following criteria: 

  • Your original post should be between 400-600 words (and can be longer), and your comments should be 3-4 complete sentences at MINIMUM. 
  • Your original post should engage with and cite readings or other course materials to respond to all the questions posed in the prompt. 
  • Your post and comments should be made up of complete, well-formed sentences.
  • Your writing should be carefully proofread. 



Your post is worth 3 points and the comment is worth 1 point, for a total of 4 possible points per week. If you complete your post and comment as per the instructions above, and submit it on time, you will receive full credit. If you are having trouble with the schedule, please contact me about making adjustments. 


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