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BUS 104-B053 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2024

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Spring 2024

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

VAT 100-3000 | Intro to Video Technology | Spring 2024 |Prof. Lorraine Singletary

Lorraine Singletary
Video Arts and Technology, A.S.|VAT 100|Spring 2024

This course explains how video technology works and how that technology is put into practice to create video content. It covers the fundamentals of contemporary media technology including understanding video […]

POL 100 (0506) – Introduction to American Government – Spring 2024

Arto Artinian
POL100|Spring 2024

An introduction to the study of American politics.

Critical Thinking CRT 100 FYE-1102 Spring 2024 TuTh 11AM with Prof. Barnes

Ewa Barnes
Linguistics and Literacy, A.A.|CRT 100|Spring 2024

Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, […]


Ryan Seslow
Animation and Motion Graphics, A.S.|CETLS|Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|Video Arts and Technology, A.S.|Other|MMA 100 |Spring 2024

This image-based course will introduce graphic design as the foundation upon which effective visual communication is built. Investigation of the elements and principles of graphic design will lead to specific […]

MMP 200 Spring 2024

MMP 200 Spring 2024

Revital Kaisar
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP 200|Spring 2024

Hands on introduction to user experience and interface design for screen-based, interactive media. Topics include user-centered design, visual and interaction design and information architecture. Students will […]

MMA 215 Typography and Layout Spring 2024

MMA 215 Typography and Layout Spring 2024

Revital Kaisar
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMA 215|Spring 2024

This course will explore type design and its application in visual communication. Students will study the formal qualities of typefaces and their historical origin. Students will learn to manipulate type […]

PRT105 Fall 2023

Laurie Lomask
PRT105|Fall 2023

This is the course site for PRT105 with Prof. Lomask during Fall 2023


Owen Roberts
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP270

MMP 270: Introduction to Video Game Design Spring 2022

MAT 301|Calculus I|Sec. 1800|Prof. Retamoso|Spring 2024

Ivan Retamoso
Mathematics, A.S.|MAT 301|Spring 2024

This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, […]

MAT 301|Calculus I|Sec. 1202|Prof. Retamoso|Spring 2024

Ivan Retamoso
Mathematics, A.S.|MAT 301|Spring 2024

This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, […]

MES160-1100, Spring 2024

Anna Pinkas
Animation and Motion Graphics, A.S.|Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MES160|Spring 2024

World History of Animation introduces students to seminal works of animation across time and cultures. The course discusses the evolution of the art form through the lens of technical innovations, socio-political […]