Course: MMP260-1300, Introduction to 2D Animation, Spring 2020

Coronavirus update

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      Anna Pinkas

      Hi everyone,

      As you know BMCC (and all of CUNY) has put a plan in place to respond to the coronavirus. I wanted to write this email right away to make sure everyone has the information they need to get through the next few days and to prepare for the rest of the semester.

      There will be NO CLASS TODAY (3/12). The college will be in a recess period from 3/12 to 3/18. This means no classes will be held on those days. However the campus, library, labs etc. will remain open. This recess is meant to help faculty and students organize themselves to finish the semester in “distant learning” mode. Classes will start back on 3/19, but there will be no in-person teaching (but the campus will remain open). Each class/professor may use different tools and modes of sharing information.

      The biggest challenge for our class is that we likely won’t be able to use the Cintiq Tablet lab and that not everyone may have access to digital animation software. I will send out a survey today or tomorrow to get a sense of everyone’s access to technology. I want to assure you that we will find a solution no matter what your situation is. I’ve taught 2D animation in a lot of different settings including some with very limited access to digital tools and I’m confident we can learn and create beautiful and interesting work no matter what.

      I will send out a new lesson at least once per week (it will probably be a combination of video, links and writing on Open lab) and I’m likely to send group and individual emails more frequently. The most important thing is to make sure you are checking your email and Open Lab to stay up to date. I will also probably schedule one-on-one phone/video meetings over the course of the semester. I will let you know as my plan solidifies in the next few days. I ask for everyone to be flexible and open to try different modes of learning.

      I will be in touch shortly.

      Feel free to email me ( with any concerns/questions.


      Prof Pinkas

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