Add an Effect or Mask
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Upload a link to your portfolio post with the latest version of your walk cycle with an effect or a mask added.
Full description here. Examples on Blackboard.
Here is my walk cycle with the snow effect and a mask! I also added moving birds to it, not 100% but almost there! For the next time I did want to add the moving wings of the birds to make it look like they are fully flying across the background!
Youtube Link:
Portfolio Link:
Here is my walk cycle with added effects. I first added a particle effect to trail the character, making it look like he is kicking up dust. I then added a lense flair behind the mountain range in tandem with another warm master light. Together I think it sets a wonderful mood for the cartoon.
It was a little changeling and I will get the hang of it.
It came out a bit blurry, but i think i managed to make a tiny fire on the background, it was a bit challenging and i had many difficulties, but i made it work out and i think it looks alright
Here’s my walk cycle of Walter in after effects. I added a flaming cape to Walter and a foggy atmosphere. This took some time to work, but I’m sorta happy with the results.
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