Course: MMP 240: Web Design, Fall 2019

active 3 years, 9 months ago
MMP 240: Web Design, Fall 2019
This Course is PRIVATE, but the corresponding Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Media Arts and Technology
Academic Program
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.
Course Contact
Course Code
MMP 240
Section Code
Fall 2019
Course Description

This course gives students a solid foundation of HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design, graphic design and UX principles.

Recent Posts

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Recent Comments

Comment on: Pedro Veras Final Project

Great job on the post. You have all of the info here. If you could write more about your process […] See MoreComment on: Pedro Veras Final Project

Comment on: Laiza Final Project

Hi Laiza, great start to the post. A couple of things to change. 1) link to your GitHub Pages […] See MoreComment on: Laiza Final Project

Comment on: Assignment 8: Study Quizlet

[…] more studying of your Quizlet sets. View and complete this assignment as well if you […] See MoreComment on: Assignment 8: Study Quizlet