Course: MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I

active 2 months ago
MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I
This Course is OPEN.
Media Arts and Technology
Academic Program
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.
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MMP 210

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Generative Landscape

This is a generative landscape of a cityscape Da Code See MoreGenerative Landscape

Generative Pattern

This is just a pattern of smiley faces that change colors when you click the canvas Da Code See MoreGenerative Pattern

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Comment on: Final Project-Jour Morton See MoreComment on: Final Project-Jour Morton

Comment on: Keyboard Sampler + Sound

[…] entry was originally posted in “MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I” on April […] See MoreComment on: Keyboard Sampler + Sound

Comment on: My Self Portrait

[…] my “Shapeshifter: Artful Animation” project, I embarked on a creative journey, sta […] See MoreComment on: My Self Portrait

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