Course: Spring 22 – Jour­nal­ism: Fea­ture Writ­ing

Resource Sharing – Your Area of Interests

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    • #10989

      Syreeta McFadden

      In this thread, share with your class­mates what kind of top­ics and sto­ries you’re in­ter­ested in. Jour­nal­ism has soli­tary mo­ments, but in many ways, it is a col­lab­o­ra­tive prac­tice.

    • #11096

      <p style=”text-align: cen­ter;”>Angel Macee Vasquez III</p>
      The type of top­ics that I am in­ter­ested in dis­cussing when it comes to jour­nal­ism, is things of my in­ter­est. Things I have most in­ter­est in is Fire­fight­ing, Base­ball, Tech­nol­ogy, Global top­ics, Gam­ing, and even Mys­tery.

    • #11125

      Shannon Williams

      I am in­ter­ested in writ­ing sto­ries about the surge of crime in my neigh­bor­hood. I also want to write sto­ries ex­plor­ing and in­form­ing oth­ers about dif­fer­ent re­li­gions and cul­tures.

    • #11134

      I’m in­ter­ested in sto­ries about the ways that our think­ing is im­pacted by media and in­for­ma­tion. Top­ics in­clude art, cin­ema, the news, re­li­gion, pol­i­tics, eco­nom­ics and music. Par­tic­u­lar en­vi­ron­ments I’m in­ter­ested in are Web3 — which re­lates to blockchain, crypto and NFT tech­nol­ogy — the meta­verse and de­cen­tral­ized au­tonomous or­ga­ni­za­tions (DAO).

    • #11139

      Luna Tomaz Neves

      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>I have al­ways been drawn to his­tory-re­lated sto­ries. For ex­am­ple, when new ar­ti­facts are found that date back decades or cen­turies. Going to a mu­seum is fas­ci­nat­ing to me be­cause it’s like, those ar­ti­facts were in the pres­ence or in pos­ses­sion of Pharaohs, Kings, Queens, Armies, Gods, Pres­i­dents, and much more. Things used by those peo­ple, things owned by those peo­ple, sto­ries en­graved with those ar­ti­facts show­ing just how old and in­ter­est­ing they truly are. It’s also ev­i­dence that our his­tory is truly real. It fas­ci­nates me how we can just go to a mu­seum to see all of it. I have al­ways had an in­ter­est in his­tory-re­lated movies such as, but not lim­ited to, “Na­tional Trea­sure.” They solve an old his­tor­i­cal scav­enger hunt that in­volves STEAL­ING the De­c­la­ra­tion of In­de­pen­dence to find a room filled with ar­ti­facts that were put away from sight from the British and then in the sec­ond movie, find­ing Ci­bola, the city of gold. I am ex­cited about the third one com­ing out sup­pos­edly this year. I have also found a fas­ci­na­tion with fash­ion news-re­lated ar­ti­cles. I’ve al­ways liked watch­ing shows like “Pro­ject run­way to watch sim­ple pieces of cloth get turned into beau­ti­ful pieces of cloth­ing. The news/ ar­ti­cles are the ones where they show “Who wore it best” or “Who wore it worst” and they show pho­tos of celebri­ties at a pre­mier and ex­plain why their out­fits are good or hor­rific. What also has in­trigued me were some rare news ar­ti­cles or gos­sip columns where there is some sort of big event going on and there was a re­ally cool cake that is super de­tailed and it looks amaz­ing. Or some­thing like that, I am not sure ex­actly how to phrase it. In sim­pler terms, I find it in­ter­est­ing how there are such tal­ented peo­ple who can bake a cake and make it look like a per­son, a piano, or just about any­thing imag­in­able. Shows like “Cake Boss’, “The Ul­ti­mate Bake-off” are what en­tice me as well. Shows where home ren­o­va­tions are the focus. I have read some news ar­ti­cles of peo­ple who went from hav­ing a home that’s run­down to putting it all to­gether and mak­ing it look amaz­ing all by them­selves. Some news about cer­tain laws that are ei­ther going to pass or that were passed that peo­ple now want to change, things like that in­trigue me. The sources I usu­ally look at are “Daily Mail” on Snapchat, The Wall Street Jour­nal, CNN, and some­times the New York Times.</span>

    • #11174

      I want to be­come a jour­nal­ist be­cause writ­ing has al­ways been my pas­sion through­out the decades. I just write what comes to mind be­cause it al­lows my mind to go to any­place it wants to with no re­stric­tions at all and it’s a way of ex­press­ing my­self in more ways than one. Also, with a jour­nal­ism ca­reer, this could be an op­por­tu­nity to meet new peo­ple and hear their sto­ries, con­cerns and know their way of life. Now, the sto­ries I re­ally want to write about are pol­i­tics, crime, so­cial is­sues and en­ter­tain­ment be­cause these sto­ries are re­search top­ics that im­pact many of us peo­ple. The top­ics that I’ve men­tioned are very im­por­tant be­cause they help us think of a way to un­der­stand and ad­dress these is­sues. When I be­come a jour­nal­ist, it is my job to in­form the so­ci­ety about these is­sues to the pub­lic.

    • #11291

      Brillana Perez

      The top­ics I’m in­ter­ested in when it comes to jour­nal­ism would be crime, mur­ders, in­jus­tices and racial in­equal­ity. I’m most in­ter­ested in these top­ics be­cause they fas­ci­nate me and I feel like there’s a lot of racial is­sues and in­jus­tices in our jus­tice sys­tem.

    • #11462

      Arturo Mota

      The top­ics that I am re­ally in­ter­ested for jour­nal­ism are food re­lated. Some­thing along the lines of being a food critic. I love watch­ing food videos where peo­ple go to dif­fer­ent places and just enjoy the food they have and that would be my first choice of what I’d write about.

    • #11481

      Isabella Guerra

      My area of in­ter­est when it comes to jour­nal­ism is music and the arts. I love any­thing cre­ative and its some­thing I feel I am pas­sion­ate enough about to write ar­ti­cles on. Any­thing cre­ative and per­sonal are the two things I am best at when it comes down to writ­ing.

    • #11515

      Luna Tomaz Neves

      My area of in­ter­est is Arche­ol­ogy and his­tor­i­cal find­ings. Many peo­ple don’t re­al­ize that being able to just sim­ply go into a mu­seum to look at ar­ti­facts dat­ing back thou­sands of years or even bil­lions of years is a priv­i­lege. The ar­ti­facts, the ev­i­dence, the fact that some­one such as a Pharoah, a king, a queen, or a group of in­di­vid­u­als had some­thing in their pos­ses­sion or even used the ar­ti­fact them­selves, or sim­ply just owned the ar­ti­fact is just…. wow. The mere fact that some­thing such as the cloth­ing some­one wore, the bed they slept on, the things they used, and more, is some­thing that fas­ci­nates me per­son­ally.

    • #11552


      My area of in­ter­est when it comes to jour­nal­ism is sports, I feel like it comes to sports in­for­ma­tion i can give it all and I also know where I can get my in­for­ma­tion from be­cause the sources that I know can help the read­ers more about sports.

    • #11862


      My area of in­ter­est in jour­nal­ism is covid-19, men­tal health since both of these top­ics are tech­ni­cally re­lated to each other. food re­lated videos as well since i do love to watch peo­ple make foods and rate food places just like they do on tik tok or in­sta­gram.I am also in­ter­ested in read­ing about crime since i feel like crime ar­ti­cles are very sen­si­tive top­ics to talk about.

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