Course: Intro to Gender & Women’s Studies | GWS 100 170W | Brianne Waychoff

active 2 years ago
Intro to Gender & Women’s Studies | GWS 100 170W | Brianne Waychoff
This Course is PRIVATE, but the corresponding Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Academic Programs
Gender and Women’s Studies, A.A., Liberal Arts, A.A.
Course Contact
Course Code
GWS 100
Section Code
Fall 2021
Course Description

GWS 100 170W is a fully online section of Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies taught during the fall 2021 semester by Dr. Waychoff.

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Comment on: Snapshot 8 on Housewives Revolt

This is the link in which the image is from: See MoreComment on: Snapshot 8 on Housewives Revolt

Comment on: Response 11

This is much too short - please revise if you would like it to fully count toward your grade. See MoreComment on: Response 11

Comment on: Struggling With One’s Own Racial Identity

Thanks for sharing this - the article is really interesting. I wanted to share this NPR Codeswitch […] See MoreComment on: Struggling With One’s Own Racial Identity