Course: CRJ 200 | Constitutional Law| Satenik Margaryan | Summer 2022

active 1 year, 6 months ago
CRJ 200 | Constitutional Law| Satenik Margaryan | Summer 2022
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Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice
Academic Program
Criminal Justice, A.A.
Course Contact
Course Code
CRJ 200
Section Code
Summer 2022
Course Description

This course provides a historical overview of the relationship of the states of the Bill of Rights, and how the Supreme Court has interpreted the powers of the federal government. The effect of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment on the application of the Bill of Rights to the states is examined through a study of the leading Supreme Court decisions related to criminal justice. Topics include characteristics and powers of the three branches of government, the principles governing the operation of the Bill of Rights, and the variables affecting the formulation of judicial policy.

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On january 6th 2021, there was an incident that happened at the US capital in Washington DC. a […] See MoreComment on: Assignment: Opinion Editorial

Comment on: Assignment: Opinion Editorial

Karen Placencio Satenik Margaryan CRJ 200-A120 […] See MoreComment on: Assignment: Opinion Editorial

Comment on: Assignment: Opinion Editorial

Hello Professor, I think I posted it as you thought me, but I am not sure. See MoreComment on: Assignment: Opinion Editorial