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- Zappos & Company Strategy
Zappos & Company Strategy
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July 26, 2020 at 4:18 pm #6279
Brielle BucklerParticipantOur readings mention Zappos, an online shoe and apparel retailer now a part of Amazon, which operates with a strategic goal of “Wow-ing” employees through excellent customer service. Zappos is notorious in the customer service industry for coming up with out-of-the-box ways to engage and retain employees. Read this article to learn more about “The Offer” Zappos gives new employees. Think about what you’ve learned, and do additional research on Zappos if you need more information. Then, answer these questions:
- What do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
- Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
- Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
- Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
In order to receive full credit for this assignment, all components of this assignment are due by 11:59pm ET on Sunday, February 21, 2021. You should first contribute a thoughtful post of your own before viewing/commenting on the posts of others. Once you submit your post, you must respond meaningfully to at least two other classmates’ threads. This assignment is worth a total of ten (10) points — 6 possible points for your original post, and up to 2 points for each of the two responses to your classmates’ posts. Please reference our Discussion Rubric for more information.
February 18, 2021 at 7:59 pm #6989
Leandro HernandezParticipantZappos is eyewear, and other clothing, to benefit from economies of scope. I don’t think this company takes such a radical approach because is not a hard task for customer service and engages people to buy the item the company provides to the public. The company I know that has great customer service is MicroCenter they have great customer service they treat people the right way that will make the customer come back and shop again. Yes, I will work in this company I like interacting with others I also understand everything about marketing and how to make a customer buy something that the company is providing. Many retail positions involve working with customers in a sales or service capacity, making retail a good choice if you enjoy helping customers by providing information or solving problems.
February 19, 2021 at 11:12 pm #6999
Yaritza RendonParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
I think it is a clever strategy to find out if the people they are hiring are a good fit for their company. It also makes Zappos a great company to work for because it shows they are not only invested in their customers but in their employees as well.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I think this company takes such a radical approach because they are not afraid to try new things. They saw that the current approach was not to their liking, so they went and created something new. (The current approach meaning there is a hierarchy and employees must not deviate from that structure.)
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Amazon, Apple, and the Ritz-Carlton are some of the companies I think of when it comes to excellent customer service. These companies go above and beyond for their customers. Not only do they provide great customer service, but they provide amazing products as well.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
I would want to work for companies like these because there is more freedom to do what you think is right to please the customer. There is no going to the boss to ask if it is okay. In these situations, the employee feels empowered to create memorable experiences for their clients because the boss trusts them to do what is right. These companies are flexible and innovative. They are more willing to learn from their employees. This creates a collaborative environment between employers and their employees. Happier employees create happier customers. Happier customers equal more revenue.
February 21, 2021 at 4:04 pm #7013
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi, Yaritza,
I know that in Apple they are very strict in term of hiring people. It would be best to have a passion for hands-on problem solving and helping others by sharing your technical knowledge.
Thanks you for sharing.
February 21, 2021 at 11:08 pm #7028
Emily EspinalParticipantHi Yaritza, I agree with you I think zappos strategy is clever because I believe happy workers equal good progress. I like your response to their radical approach by saying they aren’t afraid to try new things because a lot of different companies would be scared to run their company that way. If given the chance I would also want to work for that company because of the freedom like you said and being able to get along with my coworkers.
February 21, 2021 at 11:55 pm #7034
Justin CamposParticipantHi Yariza, I agree with you on Amazon being one of those company that have a great customers because if there’s any issues with a order they are there help you and don’t give you a run around when trying to solve the issue.
February 22, 2021 at 12:02 am #7035
Shane russellParticipantHi Yaritaz, I agree with question 2 that Zappos takes such a radical approach because, they want to try new things, in other words I had stated that they were not tryna be like the other companies that focus more on product and not company culture.
February 20, 2021 at 7:27 pm #7001
Sonia GonzalezParticipantZappos is an online company that have been around for years. There are a lot of things that Zappos allows that any other company would never allow. Let’s start with number one, the application process.. When applying for a new job, we have to send resumes and fill out a never ending application. Not with Zappos, for the application process they ask you to complete world puzzles and ask question about superheroes. Zappos call their working environment “wacky”. They allow their worker to have Nerf Ball fight, parades in the office and anything else that can be thought of. When we find jobs we think about the benefits that are offered. Zappos offers their employees an intensive health plan that includes, eye doctors and dentist. Not to stop there, they also give spending money out to their employees and free lunch and snacks. They encourage their workers to build a bond with each other. This is actually something I agree with, no one wants to work around people they do not like or have an awkward environment because they can not talk. Zappos gives supervisors and managers money to take their workers out to build a strong bond with each other. Zappos was also known for giving back to communities. They are known for fast services and great customer service. Zappos was an online company which means that they depended a lot on technology. They made their sales online and advertised online. Company culture boils down to happiness at Zappos. There are 3 other similar companies , Googles, SAS and GoDaddy.
Yes, because of Zappos unique way of hiring they can find creative individuals that are needed in the company. Also, through their way of creating a good environment and making sure that employees are happy, they can bring out the best that employees could give because a happy employee makes customers happy, and happy customers make the company happy.
February 21, 2021 at 2:28 pm #7008
Miko NourieliParticipantI agree with you that its important to make the employees happy and encourage bonding, communication, and teamwork. Because like you said no one wants to work around people they cant speak with or dont even like. It also seems that Zappos does everything they can to make their employees very comfortable and happy with their job, which makes the employees work improve. It seems to be a great environment for employees and customers alike at Zappos.
February 22, 2021 at 12:13 am #7037
Zoila CedenoParticipantHi Sonia and Miko.
I agree with you both. We spend more time at work and with co-workers than we do with our own families. It’s important that you feel happy and valued wherever you work. When you create a culture like Zappos where everyone feels like family and enjoys each other company, it can only lead to cohesiveness and positivity because everyone is on the same page and has similar goals.
February 21, 2021 at 3:50 pm #7012
Jean MuyParticipantI like how you would also like to work for Zappos as making individuals feel welcomed and needed at any work place is something that is very under appreciated. Bringing the best out of an employee can surely bring the best out of anything when it comes to a company making sure that the needs of the company is being met at a good standard for everyone.
February 21, 2021 at 4:41 pm #7014
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi, Jean
If I knew this back in the day I would apply for this company. Their benefits are great. Above-average medical, dental and vision coverage. On-site wellness service, pet insurance and pre-paid legal. 40% employees discount for those who love shoes and accessories. Plus free food for breakfast ,lunch. snacks, and breaks. Monthly team outing and a nap rooms so you could rest and rejuvenate for the remainder of the workday. Company culture boils down to happiness at Zappos.
Thank you for sharing.
February 21, 2021 at 3:27 am #7002
Nelson SanchezParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
This strategy in my opinion is a good way to implement and help improve strong business decisions. Of course it’s not good to bribe people but the way Zappos is approaching this bribing system, they are putting people to the test and see who is determined and who is selfish. They are using an ethical dilemma method to see if people know what is right or wrong (Is it right to take the offer and run or is it wrong not to take the job?)
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I think the company takes a radical approach simply because they are not afraid to take that big leap of faith. Yes decision making is risky at times but they are just experimenting their options. They just want to see if new hires meet the requirements that come with their positions. They study the new hires behaviors for a reason because if they can’t help themselves become their best selves then they can’t help fulfill their customers needs. Everything has to be mutual.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
A company other than Zappos that I can think of at the moment is Amazon. My reason behind this statement is that Amazon is also notorious in the customer service industry. They make sure all the customers needs are met, they make sure their packages are delivered as soon as possible, and make sure that everything is fast paced all around.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or Why not?
I would not like to work for this company simply because I don’t like to settle for less. I know that I could be anything I want to be and I know I could achieve bigger goals. I don’t want to just settle for anything. I know I could be worth more if I just put my mind to it and just steer in a straight path.
February 21, 2021 at 10:03 am #7003
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi Nelson, I agree with you with Amazon remaining a successful firm with a singular mission to be the best in customer service, and as such, a customer service career at Amazon is a good place to start. They offers one of the best compensation and benefits for all its employees, including its Customer Service Support Team. My sister been working there for 15 years and she love it.
Thank you for sharing.
February 21, 2021 at 2:23 pm #7007
Miko NourieliParticipantI agree that their strategy is a good way of implementing good business decisions. They basically test the employees to see what decision they make when faced with a job or a 1000$ and that is a good way to see how they would handle other situations like when they let them make their own decisions when it comes to servicing customers that have problems.
February 21, 2021 at 3:48 pm #7010
Jean MuyParticipantI agree with what you said about Amazon, the way I view is also something that also you view as well. A big company that grew to become something that many people today use on a daily basis is truly fascinating and how they make their customers feel just as important as the people working for Amazon.
February 21, 2021 at 2:17 pm #7006
Miko NourieliParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?I think that the strategy that Zappos has implemented in their hiring process is pretty smart because while hiring and showing an employee how work will be and then offering them the chance to leave with a bonus is a great way to weed out the people that for them would not work in their culture. They are very proud of the culture they have created and if someone is willing to walk away from that for 1000$ that is a win win for both people. The employee isn’t upset because they basically just got a free 1k and the company isn’t upset because they actually saved money by just getting rid of a “bad” employee immediately rather than continuing to pay someone MORE than 1k when they don’t fit in the company. They take the radical approach because it works well for them and the people that they hire. Spectrum is a company that in my experience has provided excellent customer service. Whenever I had a problem with my Wi-Fi that I couldn’t personally fix, id call spectrum and usually my problem would be fixed that day. Other than that, I extremely dislike having to speak to a robot when contacting companies, especially when there is 10 rows of questioning before I can speak to a person.
I would work for them if I was interested in the industry because they seem to really let people be themselves and contribute how they want to contribute which is a really good way to get the best out of people.-
February 21, 2021 at 3:48 pm #7011
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi, Miko, I agree that pretty smart that Zappos offers them to money to quit. Zappos has had a program that pays new employees $4,000 to quit the company during initial training sessions. The policy was designed to make sure their new hires are committed to working beyond just a paycheck.
Thank you for sharing.
February 21, 2021 at 8:04 pm #7020
Robert CalafParticipantHi Miko!
I completely agree that the quitting bonus is a win win situation for Zappos. Once the surface, the idea seems so nuts. There are so many news articles about it and I’m sure plenty people who take it at face value are like why would any company pay someone to quit? To understand Zappos reasoning behind this payout is to understand that the wrong employee in a position will end up costing a company much much more then $1000. Plus this also is a test of employee commitment. Plenty of job applicants can ace an interview, have all the qualifications for the job and put a smile on; but perhaps when they start performing the job they actually don’t like it and end up leaving. The additional time spent on training them cost the company even more then $1000. Better to get that answer as early as possible in the process.
February 22, 2021 at 8:26 am #7042
TeriParticipantZappos is like don’t waste our time and we’ll pay you not to waste yours. It also says if this is not the place for you, here is some cash until you find the place that is for you. Their approach is like they have an answer for everything and if they don’t they will find one. Not only is it a win win situation, it speaks volumes of Zappos integrity.
February 21, 2021 at 3:45 pm #7009
Jean MuyParticipantThe way I see Zappos is something that many companies should tend to follow if they want massive changes to how everything is being operated on a daily basis. Being able to seek out the people who are fit for this job and the other people who wouldn’t really give the 100% that the company wants to be able to get at. They want to implement a system where their strategy works at the highest level possible no matter what the circumstances are. They took this rather much radical approach to things is because they were encouraged enough to mix some things up and bring change to the environment of the workers to benefit them as a whole and the company as well. The way I see Zappos being compared to a company like today is Amazon, just due to the fact of how well organized they approach new things and make it work flawlessly like it was something easy to come up with. Personally, I would work at this company because being visible to change and not being scared about it is something that shows a company like this has no fear what so ever. Just pure passion to bring great energy to the work place and for the employees to feel like they belong in whatever position they are at.
February 21, 2021 at 5:49 pm #7017
Richard LedesmaParticipantI agree with your take on amazon 100%, they are really well organized, super reliable and they make customers lives just way more easier.
February 21, 2021 at 5:44 pm #7016
Richard LedesmaParticipantZappos from what I am reading was made 20 years ago as a small online retailer, and their purpose was to live and deliver what you call “WOW”. Now fast forward and they sell more than just one item, they go from shoes, to clothing, handbags, accessories and providing the best customer service , experience and most importantly the company culture. What I personally think and most likely multiple people think as well is that this “Wacky” strategy Is a super smart strategy to see who is up for that “Test”. That test being simply there job at the company,Pretty much being the perfect fit for the company as a whole. Which is very important because they want to be for not only customers but for employees as well. The company takes a radical approach because they aren’t afraid unlike many businesses. They realized that they didn’t like what was going on or weren’t happy with it and spiced things up by just trying something new and look where they are now. If there is possibly any other company that I would say has excellent customer service would be Amazon, Costco, American Express and maybe even throw Apple in there. All these companies have a strong culture that offers support, Great customer service and pretty much shows that they are trust worthy, on top of that they reward employees and customers. I would love to work for this company because there is way more freedom and let people be themselves, everyone is pretty much happy in the working environment and when that happens there is happiness in the employees and their customers.
February 21, 2021 at 5:57 pm #7018
amadou bahParticipant- What do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
I think the wacky strategy is understanding. Because he wants to create not just Zappos but, also loyalty to his customers that shop on Zappos. Make the customer feel that they can trust Zappos and the employees
- Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
Because they want to changes things. Not copy other company, for example, Zappos is willing to pay they, employee, after their quit the job and give them a stipend.
- Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Chick-fil-A is fast food restaurant, but they have the number one customer service.
- Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
no, I would like to work with the company. Because I’m, not good customer service.
February 21, 2021 at 8:10 pm #7021
Robert CalafParticipantHi Amadou!
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned customer loyalty to Zappos and that they can trust the company and its employees. In this day and age, where companies are finding it hard to be different from each other in some proprietary way; Zappos has chosen a key trait that they decided to pour all of their energies and efforts into and that is customer service. Its really the foundation for everything else. Customer service drives customer loyalty which in turn increases market share, sales, and allows for natural positive marketing promotion for the company. People love to talk about a great experience with a service or product. Nothing that Zappos sells is unique just to itself so it instead focuses on having great service and everything else will naturally fall in place.
February 21, 2021 at 11:12 pm #7029
Emily EspinalParticipantI didn’t even think of zappos approaching their business in the way you said, in order to get their employees to trust them. which in my opinion is a great approach and I think it would make the employees want to work for them longer and recommend others to join the business aswell. I think if you had the chance you should work for this company because you can build your customer service and even make new bonds with people who could turn out to be life long friends.
February 21, 2021 at 11:39 pm #7032
Justin CamposParticipantHello Amadou, I agree with what you said for the first question because I also feel like the main goal for Zappos is to keep their customers coming back and they strategy is a good way to do that because it should that Zappos cares about their customer with their Fast Shipping, Phone Service and free return policy.
February 22, 2021 at 8:20 am #7041
TeriParticipantChick-Fil-A is also another company that are good to their employees. The allows their employees to be part of their stocks. This means their care for the growth of their workers. This may be one of the reasons they have the number one customer service. Happy employees create happy environments which creates better customer service. I like that you said you would like to work with Zappos not for them.
February 21, 2021 at 7:53 pm #7019
Robert CalafParticipant- What do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos.
A. I believe while on the surface, the strategy of Zappos can come off as wacky or zainy; but if you were to look at the performance results that it drives. It is actually a winning corporate strategy that is not only genius in its execution; but sets Zappos apart as a market leader. The video, “The Zappos Family – How they work” gives a snap shot into the corporate culture of Zappos and the intense focus of it’s CEO Tony Hsieh on ensuring the company selects the right people to drive its company mission of excellent customer service. Employee selection and retention is often a skill that many companies never quite get right and could have disastrous strategic results.
- Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
A. I think Zappos takes such a radical approach because it has identified that the core competency required for it’s success is excellent customer service. All of the actions that Zappos takes is in support of this mission. Like it was mentioned in the video, other aspects of its operations can be copied but excellent customer service is the foundation that defines the company and puts it ahead of others in the same market space. This takes us back to its radical approach. Zappos clearly understands that having a workforce that enjoys where they work, is highly engaged in the company community, and is just plain happy when they are working; all lead to high customer service performance. Excellent customer service then drive repeat customers and bring in new customers by word of mouth marketing about the experience at Zappos. All of this ultimately leads to consistent and high performing sales which makes the company as successful as it is. There are all deliberate building blocks to the companies success.
Other examples
- The company offers a payout to new employees if they want to quit. While on the surface this seems like money being thrown away, it actually is a tool that allows the company to filter out employees who would have not brought the level of commitment that the company looks for; and ultimately saves Zappos money in the long run because the wrong employee in a position could cost the company even more.
- Zappos enjoys extremely low turnover rates. This saves the company money in the cost of hiring and training employees. They spend more time in selection and training then other companies but save the money in having to do it less because their employees stick around.
- Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
A. Another company that comes to mind with excellent customer service is Amazon. I have read articles in the past that previous CEO Jeff Bezos consistently drove the culture to his workforce that the customer experience with Amazon is key above all else. Amazon has consistently taken steps to improve it’s distribution networks to get orders to customers faster and with improved tracking capabilities. Becoming one of the world’s industry leaders. Amazon is now a house hold name around the world.
- Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
A. Yes, I would want to work for Zappos. In my 10 years of work experience so far, I have gone from a job with a higher paying salary and more responsibility then the one I currently hold. Yet I am a happier person now with a much better work/life balance and a lower stress level that I carry with me everyday. I was with my previous company over 8 years until I came to the realization that the higher your salary is does not necessarily equate to a happier life. Your happiness and fulfillment as an employee is critical to your long term success at a company and if that work life balance is not in harmony; it is a matter of time before you burn out and your productivity suffers or you leave all together.
I get the impression from Zappos that they have come to that realization that to optimize employee performance, they are to encourage work/life balance and job fulfillment and everything else will follow. This is why I think they would be a great company to work for.
February 22, 2021 at 12:08 am #7036
Zoila CedenoParticipantHi Robert.
I enjoyed reading your post. It is evident that you took the time to research your data and the points you chose to make are very well articulated. I agree with your position that employee selection and retention is essential to the success of any business but few companies have been able to master this skill. I am very happy for you that you found a position that makes you happy and provides you with the right work-life balance. Money isn’t everything.
February 21, 2021 at 8:38 pm #7022
Emily EspinalParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
I don’t think zappos strategy is wacky at all I actually believe that is a very smart and fun approach to running a business. Not only do they base their company of off the company’s culture but overall the employees happiness and making sure that everyone fits in and is able to get along with one another. I believe this approach is very intelligent and leads to the employees wanting to get the work done, and continue working at the zappos company.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I believe zappos takes a radical approach because they want everyone to feel accepted and get along with each other; I think they believe in doing work but also having a good time, work doesn’t have to be something you dead going to. Great team work makes the dream work.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Another company I can think of with great customer service is JetBlue. When you buy a flight through JetBlue you get rewarded in points and over time those points add up and you can get a free flight. which I believe is a great for customer service because who wouldn’t want a free flight. Not only that but when you get on the plane you are greeted and mid flight you are provided with a beverage and snack for free. I believe these are all good aspects in customer servicing.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
I would definitely want to work for this company because I personally want a job that I am happy to go to everyday. I wan’t to be able to joke around with my coworkers but still get the job done; and what I love most of all about Zappos is that you can get promoted just for taking time out to talk and meet new people at your job, you are rewarded for being outgoing.
February 21, 2021 at 10:02 pm #7026
Rayon LambertParticipantHello Emily,
I enjoyed reading your post. Many of the things that you stated I see as true. The company has aspects that make them worth being part of. This company has created a standard that many companies should pattern. Some companies will have separations of departments which they think is best. Some other companies see employees’ interaction in this way as a waste of the company’s time. This is an environment that I believe will and can create creativity.
February 21, 2021 at 9:14 pm #7024
SowParticipantlike combining the useful with the pleasant will always bear fruits. Zappos has shown us that joining the recognition of cultural identity with work requirements can be a source of blossoming, can reduce the stress, and soothe workers during the execution of their tasks. Therefore, the company gains the maximum from them. In addition, how to not increase the productivity and efficiency of the business when you give employees the same attention and sympathy that customers get? this is an approach that can only promote the emergence of a great spirit of work.
This is not only a radical approach but also an innovation. Something that others should learn from. Implementing and building a strong workforce requires a lot of tact and Zappos has found that where many are wandering. Also, introducing the 10 core values and applying them unanimously on a daily basis leaves me speechless. Zappos didn’t work only on a segment of its workforce, but the entire chain. When all the new recruits work on the call center, it is obvious that they will learn more about the customer approach. This could be such a new feature for other companies.
Apple is an example of good customer service. They talk nicely to the customers and replace easily the goods when it is broken. They can even ship the object replaces to your house if needed. Apple work on the strength and the reliability of their product, another means of according the best service quality to the customer.
I will definitely work with them because they promote capacity building. In that way, they bring love, joy, passion, and dynamism to the workplace. These things increase the efficiency of the company by fighting against monotony and burn-outs at work.
February 21, 2021 at 10:16 pm #7027
Rayon LambertParticipantHello Sow,
I like your first quote. I think that Zappos’ creators may have dealt with different issues in their previous working environment and build the company on all the things they had dislike. In some ways, managers in different departments set the tone for the department operation, but in Zappos’s case, it is a company-wide tone that they want all employees to follow. Apple does give great customer service. This may be crazy to say, but the price for Apple products, the service needs to suit the price. Having a working environment that creates comfort and inclusion will be beneficial to the productivity level.
February 21, 2021 at 9:48 pm #7025
Rayon LambertParticipantI think that Zappos is unto something. Having and building a company that has an atmosphere of inclusion is vital for a company. Their stance on employment criteria is what helps carry the company in the direction of making a difference. The ability to have the employee gaining that level of comfort is excellent for the company’s morale.
I think they took this approach to create togetherness, cut competition, and have everyone feel like they are part of the family/company. It also helps in people want to be at work. Creating a comfort level this high with others help in having fewer company feuds and disagreement.
Over the winter break, my family and I went to Virginia; we went to Texas Road House restaurant. The first night we wanted to go there, the wait time was almost two hours, so we decided to try it on the last day there. The host and the waitress were delightful. Their level of customer service was better than many restaurants I have tried in New York City. Everyone in the restaurant seemed please with the service, and they all had a smile on their face.
Yes, I would want to work in a company like this. I love the idea of all departments interacting with each other. It helps create not only a team but a family in the workplace. When there are company events, everyone will be able to mingle with each other. It is also easy to learn about other departments for promotional opportunities. Companies like this will push me to want to get up and go to work every day. -
February 21, 2021 at 11:32 pm #7030
Justin CamposParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
I feel like as their strategy it is a smart way to approach today society, people now days are impatient when it comes to ordering package so by Zappos saying they have free four day and the package arriving the next morning gives people a reason to keep coming back, then they have customer services number that connects you straight with a agent which is good because people don’t like wasting their time dealing with a machine and final but not less the return policy is very simple with free return because some store return policy is so difficult that some people don’t even bother to try and return items.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I think that Zappos took such an radical approach because it made their employee and their customer experience more enjoyable and easy.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
When I think about it I don’t think i have come across any company that has such good customer service and the close I believed I experience was with a company that had similar return policy but not the customer service number like Zappos so no I haven’t.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
Yes, i would work for this company because their strategy is straight forward and im that type of person that like things to be simple and the company train you to help you with the type of work you are going to be doing.
February 21, 2021 at 11:36 pm #7031
Zoila CedenoParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
Zappos is an online company founded in 1999 by Nick Swinmurn. He launched the company together with Tony Hsieh and Alfred Lin, who invested $2 million through their investment firm Venture Frogs. The company’s original domain name was “ShoeSite.com”. It was later changed to Zappos, a play on the Spanish word zapatos, which means shoes. By 2007 it expanded to include handbags, eyewear, clothing, watches, and kid’s merchandise. In 2012, Tony Hsieh essentially eliminated the legacy management hierarchy at Zappos and adopted Holacracy as Zappos new management style. In Holacracy people don’t have jobs, they have roles. Each role belongs to a circle instead of a department. These circles are guided by lead links instead of managers. He encouraged employees to read Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux and advised everyone to make a decision by April 30th. He gave everyone the opportunity to walk away from the company if they could not adjust to this new form of management. Old employees were promised a minimum of three month’s severance pay, or one month for each year on the job and new hires were offered a no-questions asked $3,000 payment if they decided to walk away. On the deadline day in April of that year, 210 people left, 20 were managers out of a total of 246 managers. Zappos became a self-managed company where traditional management roles and job titles were eliminated and replaced with a system of distributed authority. The purpose of Holacracy was to keep bureaucracy at an absolute minimum and nurture fast-paced innovation.
I think that what Tony Hsieh was bold and courageous by taking a chance in changing the way the company worked. The company was already successful. In the end, his gamble paid off and today Zappos’s most renowned feature is its work culture.Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
Tony Hsieh wanted the company to feel like a start-up again. He wanted everyone to approach their work like an entrepreneur and be adaptable, flexible, resourceful, and creative. He felt that there was a lot of untapped potential and that employees would be able to come up with new ideas and solve any problem placed before them if they were no longer being stifled by traditional management roles. He also understood that in order for the company to be successful, Zappos needed to provide excellent customer service. If the work culture was a positive, happy work culture then everything else would fall into place because a happy employee is a productive employee.Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Amazon is one of the biggest industry giants in the online world. Despite the fact that it’s grown so much, it has not lost the ability to make every client feel like they are important. From 24/7 chat service to deal with any issues you may have, fast delivery options, wide variety of products and merchants, competitive prices and for the most part, guaranteed refunds if your package or product is lost, Amazon does not fail to provide excellent customer service.Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
While I understand that Zappos work culture is amazing, I don’t know if it would be the right work-place for me. They have a long vetting process to figure out whether or not you fit the culture and the positions they advertise are mostly in sales, marketing, software and buyer positions, all of which are not fields that I am familiar with.-
February 22, 2021 at 9:24 am #7043
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi Zoila,
I enjoyed reading your post. Tony Hsieh wanted to make people happy, customers, employees, everyone. His quest to create an environment where workers felt enthusiastic about their jobs and, by extension their lives is an indelible part of his legacy. It sad that he pass away Nov 2020.
Thank you for sharing.
March 28, 2021 at 3:29 pm #7475
Jennifer BakerParticipantI definitely feel your hesitation with “would you want to work there”. While I like some openness and flexibility n my work environment, I’ve seen enough “my coworkers are having nonstop Nerf battles and I can’t work, WHAT DO” letters to AskAManager to have my own concerns about working in a totally freewheeling environment.
February 22, 2021 at 6:50 am #7039
Talisha SmithParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
Zappos is a shoe company(online) funded in 1999 by Nick Swimum. He partnered up with two other people(Tony Hsieh & Alfred Lin) who invested $2 million dollars through their investment firm. Zappos was originally called Shoesite.com. The company later on changed their name to Zappos which stands for zapatos in Spanish. The company used that as an influence and changed some of the letters to create the shoe brand. Zappos strategy is a great one and I think its brilliant. It meets all of customers needs since they sell a variety of handbags, shoes and accessories. I think that’s great because they can reach a bigger audience. I also think that the way they ween out loyal employees is smart. By offering a 1,000 to people if they quit they are able to avoid unruly employees. Employees who stay abroad are people who love their job and will do their best to give excellent customer service. With great customer service comes loyal customers.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I Think the Company takes such a approach to the way they execute things to reach the highest level of success within the company. Because no other shoe company operates the way they do they have little competition. They provide fast shipping and free return labels and they train their employees to engage in conversation without a time limit which makes customers feel like their shopping experience or return experience is taken serious and a priority.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
I think amazon has great customer service. They offer everything that you can think of and they have reasonable prices and a variety of brands. They also have a great return policy and they ship fast.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
If I worked in retail I would definitely work for Zappos, as a customer of theirs myself I think they are a great company. They show team work and it seems like a lot of fun. I enjoy working in places where it seems like we are a family when we are on the clock. I also enjoy making people feel good about themselves and what better way then to help someone shop for shoes.
March 28, 2021 at 3:28 pm #7474
Jennifer BakerParticipantIt’s interesting to me that you chose Amazon as an example of great customer service – it is true that customers have few issues with service, BUT Amazon takes a very different approach to *employee* satisfaction (leading to articles about terrible warehouse environments and more than one boycott). While I think that Zappos chose to focus on strong employee culture for the end result on customer service, I also think they did it to create a good environment for innovative collaboration among [happy] employees and lower retention [and thus lower recruiting and hiring costs].
February 22, 2021 at 8:13 am #7040
TeriParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
I think the wacky strategy of Zappos is an excellent way to build a good team and your own character. Zappos ten core value are very impressive. The fact that they allow their employees the themselves and grow along with is great business and personal ethics. What stood out the most out of the ten core values is: be adventurous, creative and open-minded, embrace and drive change, build open and honest relationships, and pursue growth and learning. This says they prefer the staff learn from one another because as the staff insights grow due to different cultural backgrounds and mindsets , so will the company.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I think takes such a radical approach because they know if an individual loves their work and work environment he or she will put their best foot forward. They want dedicated employees whose energy, inspiration and motivation is high. People spend most of their days and days at work. Zappos is like why not make it a place your employees want to come to everyday and not just feel like they have to, to make ends meet. A happy and satisfied employee and customer for this matter is what make people come back.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack have excellent customer service. They ship fast and they have free returns online and you can also exchange or return in the stores. Whether I shopped online, in the store or received assistance from a customer service representative, my experience was always a great one.
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
Yes, I would work for Zappos because I love teamwork. I like their diversity and means for growth. They care about their employees as much as they care for their customers. Also, I am shoe and sneaker lover so it would be a good experience to work for a company I can buy footwear from.
February 22, 2021 at 11:45 am #7045
Sonia GonzalezParticipantHi Teri,
You are right about Nordstrom Rack there strategy is to provide a compelling product offering, delivering outstanding services and experiences, and leveraging the strength of their brand.
Thank for sharing.
March 24, 2021 at 7:23 pm #7402
Shane russellParticipant- What do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
The wacky strategy that Zappos is implementing into their company is not a bad way to run a business. I believe if, you can get the right people that can show growth and progress in this type of work environment then, its a good approach to put your business on the map with. With this approach though you have to be very careful with the people you hiring, you have to really pay close attention because any little mistake can cost you big. The way Zappos is going about it with a thural interview process is that they won’t hiring you unless they see themselves hanging out with you outside the work place.
2. Why do you think this company takes a radical approach?
I believe this company takes a radical approach to the way they run their business because, they wanted to be different. Other companies use products to be differentiated from others but this company wants to use company culture because, it can not be physically stolen from others. The reason why this company takes this approach is because, every other company follows the same approach and doesn’t really give company culture a lot of notice, they focus more on productivity. I believe it’s always good to focus on productivity but, if you can connect with your employees or if, they don’t feel comfortable at their work place they won’t want to produce or even work their anymore.
3. Is their another company you can think of with excellent customer service ?
Their is not a variety of companies that provide and thrives on excellent customer service as Zappos because, most companies thrive on productivity. The only company that comes to mind that provides excellent customer service is Trader Joe’s. This company is the type of company that works for the customer needs while making sure theirs needs is meet, by working through a strategic plan. They have this rule that if a product in the floor has been not reprised to what they product is, you will get that product for free. Them implementing this rule allows them to have a good relationship with their customer and to let their employees know they mess up their gonna lose money?
4. Would you want to work for this company ? Why or why not ?
After reading and hearing about the way Zappos runs their company and to see that their using a different approach, I would work for this company. I would want to work for a company that cares about their culture so that their employees will want to come to work and enjoy themselves while producing exceptional work. I feel that I will excel really well in this type of work environment and probably wouldn’t want to leave that type of atmosphere for somewhere that does have this.
March 28, 2021 at 3:24 pm #7473
Jennifer BakerParticipantWhat do you think of the wacky strategy of Zappos?
There are some parts I LOVE and some parts I raise an eyebrow at. I absolutely love that everyone in the company does a four-week onboarding with the call center. The call center is the KEY piece of Zappos and having each and every hire, no mater their position, cycle through there is invaluable (and keeping that fresh with the ten hour holiday coverage). I am less fond of the “would I go get a drink with this person?” hiring method. I definitely understand the idea behind it (“is this person generally enjoyable to be around?”) and the draw of that is strong, but I think you open yourself up to the risk of a lot of internalized bias in hiring with that approach.
Why do you think this company takes such a radical approach?
I think Zappos wanted to make sure that the company itself is living the same values it wants to be known for – things that set it aside in the marketplace – as well as create *happy* workers. I believe (and apparently so does Tony Hsieh) that happy workers do better work and bring more innovative ideas into the workplace.
Is there another company you can think of with excellent customer service?
Zingermans is my absolute fave for customer service – I use them for every business gift order ever and one of the things I LOVE about them is that they make it easy to order from them when you’re ordering multiple gifts for a huge list of recipients (aka my annual year end business gift orders, including things like “can you give me multiple receipts grouped in this Very Tedious Specific Way for my expense report needs but let me send you a single excel-attached email for my order” – yes they can and do). They are also big on the lighthearted emails, which I am a fan of, and the gift baskets themselves are top notch. So I was wholly unsurprised to come across this article when answering a similar question in another class: https://www.kornferry.com/insights/articles/happy-people-spark-serious-productivity
Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not?
Personally, I would hesitate and definitely want to have peer interviews to get insight into the day-to-day. I have found that very often “we’re a family” is a big red flag for a job. While it seems to be really great for the current employees (as can be seen in the low 2016 turnover rate), I wonder how people how are more reserved fare, whether the team outings are “mandatory”, whether they are varied often so as to allow for people with different accessibility issues to be included etc. (one company I heard of recently does annual ski trips – a dream company outing for some but a nightmare to others, for instance).
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