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- Are Leaders Born or Made?
Are Leaders Born or Made?
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January 25, 2023 at 5:26 pm #16103
Brielle BucklerParticipantRead the background story of each of these 3 successful entrepreneurs. Analyze, compare, contrast these 3 entrepreneurs backgrounds and personal characteristics.
What do they have in common? What stands out about these individuals? What do you notice that is different? Write a response below explaining commonalities and differences.
Given what you’ve learned about each of these entrepreneurs: do you think leaders are born or made? Why?
In order to receive full credit for this assignment, all components of this assignment are due by 11:59pm ET on Sunday, April 2, 2023. You should first contribute a thoughtful post of your own before viewing/commenting on the posts of others. You must respond meaningfully to at least two classmates to receive full credit for this assignment.
This assignment is worth a total of ten (10) points — 6 possible points for your original post, and up to 2 points for each of the two responses to your classmates’ posts. Please reference our Discussion Rubric for more information, and to this guide from MSSU to learn more about what it means to respond meaningfully to a classmates’ post.
March 27, 2023 at 3:19 pm #16988
Roshanna YoungParticipantWhat these three successful entrepreneurs have in common is resilience. What stands out is that they didn’t allow doubts to tamper with their success. When they lost they didn’t stop until they gained, and what they gained was so worth the loss. All of them made an investment that was a risk and they are able to flip it into making a living of generational wealth. Another commonality that each of these individuals have is taking the initiative to learn and educate themselves about their passions. The difference amongst these 3 individuals would be where they started and how they started. Being that I have a growth mindset I believe that leaders can be both born and made. I believe that an individual can be born a natural leader but as well be made into a leader with experience and the right tools. I also believe that a leader born and made has to do with what they’ve experienced as child. For example were you taught to always keep your mouth shut, or were you able to express what you were feeling? I think this is a big part.
April 2, 2023 at 6:20 pm #17013
ShomariParticipantI completely agree that their resilience was huge part of their success in the business world. Even though they had some set backs but they kept on pushing until they found something that works for their business.
April 2, 2023 at 8:57 pm #17016
NickosParticipantYour perspective on how a person was raised in childhood could impact their decisions and personality later on is an excellent point. A child who was encouraged to speak their thoughts, follow their dreams, and given the love and encouragement from a young age may have the right tools and emotional intelligence to succeed as a leader later on. Kids who are shut down and discouraged may struggle with both self esteem and confidence as an adult.
April 2, 2023 at 11:21 pm #17027
Adrian ForresterParticipantI agree, they all took risks to get where they are now. It’s hard to discredit these highly successful pioneers. The days and nights they probably spent working on building the base of their empires. Looking back they probably don’t regret missing out on the fun all there friends were having. Hard work and resilience is a must when you are trying to build something of the caliber of Microsoft or Fed Ex.
May 7, 2023 at 11:52 pm #17321
Taylen JohnsonParticipantI agree that each person took a chance to become where they are now. Despite various setbacks, they fought until they discovered a solution that suited their company.
April 1, 2023 at 8:02 pm #17009
NickosParticipantBill Gates, Frederick W. Smith, and Debbi Fields are successful entrepreneurs who founded some of the most iconic companies: Microsoft, FedEx, and Mrs. Fields Cookies.
As trail blazing founders, they shared many similar traits such as persistence, passion, risk taking, grit, and having a clear vision. They had a clear vision of their products, how it fits into the market, and how to pivot strategies. Though their roads to success were all different – they all worked hard and persevered through many challenges and setbacks. They started with an idea – put in the work for it and built that dream into a reality.
Some differences I noticed are mainly between Smith and Gates compared to Fields. Smith and Gates came from families that were middle or upper class, had the opportunity to go to prestigious universities such as Harvard and Yale, and had parents who were linked to influential people. Fields, on the other hand, came from a working class family and did not attend a prestigious university. She married fairly young and her idea came to her later in life. She also was a woman entrepreneur and that puts her in the minority.
While reviewing these three cases of successful leaders, it is clear that though leaders can be made such as the case of Debbie Fields, being born into a wealthy or influential family may make the road to leadership a bit easier.
April 2, 2023 at 6:24 pm #17014
ShomariParticipantI agree with what you said about a leader is made. Debbie situation is a good example, even though she didn’t come from a financially rich family, they cherished passion and had their own ways of wealth which also gave Debbie the mindset to continue with her business and create her own wealth.
April 3, 2023 at 1:19 am #17033
Juana BazanParticipantHi Nickos,
I agree that all three entrepreneurs shared similar traits that played a huge role to form their leadership.
April 2, 2023 at 6:12 pm #17012
ShomariParticipantWhat these three entrepreneurs have in common was their grit, resilience, and the ability to always find a way to make things work. They all had some doubters from people that didn’t really believe in their product and ideas of a successful business idea. What really standout about the three is that they all made risky investments which could probably be detrimental to their finances, but kept pushing through until they met a goal. Even after reaching a certain goal they keep on reaching for higher heights in their business. The differences between the three were their upbringings as children. They all came from different financial brackets in life, but it goes to show if you have a brilliant idea and really put 100% effort, you can make your own wealth in life. They became leaders in the business world, based on how they started, and also giving advice to others pursuing to be an entrepreneur. I feel leaders are made, everyone have to go through a certain amount of experience of failure and success. People become leaders because they see something they can help or change in the world, you are not just born with knowledge of the everything in life.
April 2, 2023 at 9:43 pm #17019
Tenzin LhamoParticipantI agree with you about having resilience. I really liked Debbi’s story where her husbands client outright insulted her and amounted her to nothing. She went from being a housewife and not knowing anything to being one of the most successful entrepreneurs. Definitely shows the hard work that she put in to being that, and shows that it was effort, not luck, that made her that way.
April 2, 2023 at 10:11 pm #17023
JustinParticipantI agree with their qualities as I said something very similar. I like how you emphasized that their difference, backgrounds, really doesn’t mean much if you have the willingness to be successful. With the right idea, one can be successful in the business industry. however, I do disagree with your statement that leaders aren’t born. They wouldn’t be able to manage in the business world from a young but they can be born with qualities that can help them in the future if people with the right qualities look to open a business.
April 3, 2023 at 1:06 am #17031
Juana BazanParticipantHi Shomari,
I agree, leaders can be formed! I like how you were able to empathize that experience, failure and success are part of becoming a leader. As we can see Bill Gates and Frederick W Smith dropped out of prestige Universities yet became one of the most wealthies business influencers.
May 7, 2023 at 11:55 pm #17322
Taylen JohnsonParticipantI agree that leaders could be created! I loved how you pointed out that if you have the drive to succeed, past mistakes or differences actually have no significance.
April 2, 2023 at 8:47 pm #17015
Alyssa AppersonParticipantThese three entrepreneurs all had perseverance in common. They pushed through doubts and focused on the vision and goals they had when bringing their ideas to life. The one significant difference between Fields compared to Gates and Smith are their financial backgrounds and how they started. I think some people are born leaders and some are molded into leaders by gaining experience outside factors such as knowing people in the field they’d like to pursue or having financial privileges.
April 2, 2023 at 9:03 pm #17017
NickosParticipantI also agree and think that people who have an upper-hand in financial background and influential connections will have an easier path than those who must work their way up from poverty. However, this dynamic makes those rag to riches American dream stories, such as Debbie Fields, so much more inspiring knowing that she did not take any short cuts or special “connections” to help her along the way.
April 2, 2023 at 9:46 pm #17020
Tenzin LhamoParticipantI agree with you that some of them had privilege’s to help them be the way they are today but they also put in a lot of hard work. Although Bill came from a prestigious college and Smith was the founding president of Federal Express, in order to bring the company to the next level, they put in the effort. I do think having some financial background would help and expedite the process.
April 2, 2023 at 9:41 pm #17018
Tenzin LhamoParticipantThese 3 entrepreneurs, Bill Gates, Frederick W. Smith and Debbi Fields have some characteristics in common. In becoming great leaders, I believe that they all went through hardships in order to become successful. In Fields case, she got insulted by her husbands clients which started her journey into becoming somebody. In Bill Gates case, he and Allen took a huge risk by dropping out of college in order to write computer software. For the Altair computer, they wrote the software in 2 months, so they were very inexperienced yet they still decided to drop out. Frederick Smith, Federal Express lost 30 million in 26 months. He used his own money to help the company stay afloat which it eventually did.
I believe that leaders are made. We all have the ability to become leaders, just like these 3 individuals, we have to take the risk. Dropping out of college, losing 30 million in a company, and proving doubters wrong when being a housewife, these are all risks that some people aren’t willing to take. Being a leader is not something that no one can’t achieve. We can all be amazing leaders.
April 2, 2023 at 10:05 pm #17022
JustinParticipantI agree that becoming a leader comes from taking risks because many people wouldn’t. however, I also feel that they can be born because one might have the capability to empower others before the business is even in their minds they can just be people with great qualities that can go into business. i also agree that we all can be amazing leaders if we strive to work on these qualities that make us one.
April 2, 2023 at 9:57 pm #17021
JustinParticipantAll three entrepreneurs are known for their innovative ideas and determination to succeed. They all dropped out of college to follow their dreams in entrepreneurship, Smith, Fields, and Gates are all highly driven, and focused, and all possess great leadership qualities. They were able to take what they are passionate about and use it to create a very successful business. Not only that but they were able to make a huge impact on their industry. They all have unique backgrounds and some unique traits about themselves. These things have helped contribute to some of their success. Bill Gates is intelligent, thinks strategically, and very much has a good heart when it comes to helping and donating. Smith has tremendous resilience. And the power to encourage and inspire employees. Fields’ is creative and has high-level marketing skills while being able to have a connection with customers. They have made big impacts on their industries as well. For instance, they were able to push and improve the technology while creating more jobs and satisfying many customers. The biggest difference between the three entrepreneurs is their main focus in the industry. They all had their lane. Gates’ was heavily focused on technology, Smith’s was on logistics, and food was the main concern for Fields. In addition, they all come from different situations and background stories. Gates and Smith came from a more privileged background. Field’s story was a bit different. Lastly, the way these entrepreneurs started their businesses is different. Gates and Smith developed their ideas in college. Fields developed her ideas and built a major passion for food while working in a bakery.
I feel that a leader can be made and born depending on the situation. One can be influenced by the actions of another leader and change. However, some people have that quality where people are attached to what they do and how they can influence others. Being a leader can just be how someone acts, which can benefit them very much.
April 2, 2023 at 11:11 pm #17024
Emely GutierrezParticipantI really liked this topic. It’s very hard to be able to walk through this world with positivity and to believe that everything is going to work out no matter what. But these three men have all so many things in common. They pushed through the bad and the good. Including their doubts , their way of just staying positive that they will be successful. Only difference might be the way that they grew up. But overall once they accomplished one thing, they continued to go bigger and go harder to be successful. They trusted themselves to continue to create things that they can be proud of. Everyone starts off small to be able to go big. They all had resilience in common, also the positive attitude and determination.
April 2, 2023 at 11:15 pm #17025
Adrian ForresterParticipantBill Gates, Frederick W. Smith, and Mrs. Fields are all successful entrepreneurs who have made a significant impact in their respective industries. Despite their different backgrounds, these individuals share several commonalities in terms of their personal characteristics and approaches to business.
Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has an impressive background in computer science and software engineering. He dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft with his childhood friend, Paul Allen. Gates’ vision and drive helped Microsoft become one of the most successful and dominant companies in the technology industry. He is known for his strategic thinking, risk-taking, and relentless pursuit of excellence.
Frederick W. Smith, the founder of FedEx, was a former Marine who served in the Vietnam War. After leaving the military, he founded Federal Express with the vision of creating an overnight delivery service that could deliver packages anywhere in the world. Smith’s perseverance, passion, and willingness to take risks led FedEx to become one of the most successful delivery services in the world.
Mrs. Fields, whose real name is Debbi Fields, is the founder of Mrs. Fields Bakeries. She started her first bakery with her husband in the late 1970s and turned it into a nationwide franchise with over 900 stores. Fields is known for her exceptional baking skills, marketing savvy, and dedication to customer service.
One commonality among these three entrepreneurs is their relentless pursuit of excellence. They are all known for their focus on quality, attention to detail, and the ability to execute on their vision. Additionally, they all took risks and pursued their dreams with determination and a strong work ethic.
However, there are also differences between these entrepreneurs. Gates and Smith have technical backgrounds, while Fields has a background in baking and marketing. Gates and Smith built large corporations, while Fields focused on building a franchise system. Gates and Smith started their companies from scratch, while Fields bought an existing bakery and turned it into a successful franchise.
Regarding the question of whether leaders are born or made, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. While some people may be naturally predisposed to leadership, it is clear that many successful entrepreneurs, including Gates, Smith, and Fields, developed their leadership skills over time through hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to learn. Therefore, it can be argued that leaders are both born and made, and that a combination of innate traits and learned skills is necessary for effective leadership.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Adrian Forrester.
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April 2, 2023 at 11:35 pm #17028
Taylen JohnsonParticipantThese three businesspeople had a lot in common their tenacity, fortitude, and capacity to always find a solution. The three stand out because they all made uncertain investments that would have hurt their finances but persisted in doing so until they achieved their objective. Even after achieving a particular objective, they continue to strive for more success in their firm. The three had different childhoods, which explained their discrepancies. They all come from various socioeconomic backgrounds, but it only goes to show you that if you have a great concept and put your all into it, you can achieve anything.Based on how they started, they became leaders in the business world and also advised those who wanted to become entrepreneurs. I believe that everyone must experience a certain level of failure and achievement before they can be considered a leader. Since no one is born knowing everything about life, people become leaders when they identify a problem or opportunity to make a positive difference in the world.
April 3, 2023 at 12:48 am #17029
Juana BazanParticipantBill Gates, Frederick W. Smith, and Debbi Fields are successful entrepreneurs who founded: Microsoft, FedEx, and Mrs. Fields Cookies.
Bill Gates had a tremendous educational and technical background with an interest in computer programing. Bill Gates overachieved in school, at the age of 13 he began to write software. Bill Gates was the co-founder of Microsoft. Frederick W. Smith also had an exceptional educational and marine background. Frederick had a vision of creating an overnight delivery service and founded Federal Express, which later became FedEx, one of the most successful delivery services. Debbi Fields came from a middle–working–class family. She did not have the same educational background as Bill Gates and Frederick W. smith. Debbie followed her love for cookies and became known for her exceptional baking skills and customer service.
All three entrepreneurs had in common the striving to do something they loved, their relentless pursuit of excellence, clear vision, passion, ability to take risks, and satisfaction to do something different.
After reading the biographies of these three entrepreneurs, I believe that leaders can be born and made. individuals can be born with natural skills and characteristics for leadership. However, a person can learn and develop the characteristics and qualities of a leader. For instance, Debbie Fields did not have the same education and wealth background as Bill Gates and Frederick W. Smith. Debbie’s hunger for success and passion to do something she loves was the beginning of becoming a great leader.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Juana Bazan.
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April 3, 2023 at 1:15 am #17032
Juana BazanParticipantHi Syed,
I share the same idea that both nature and nurture have an impact on leadership, An individual can be born with the natural qualities and characteristics of a leader but it is also possible to cultivate qualities through training and experiences.
We see that Bill Gates had natural qualities that gravitate towards a position of leadership throughout his entire life span. While Debbie Fields, may have not been naturally born with leadership qualities, she developed them through her striving to achieve her goal.
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