Created by Dr. Robb
The 7 Habits PPT helps BMCC FYE students maneuver through and strengthen their executive functioning skills as it applies to time management. Students learn the difference between the compass and the clock according to Covey. Additionally, the ppt addresses the difference between proactive behaviors and reactive behaviors. Proactive people take responsibility for their behavior and actions and do not blame circumstances, conditioning, or conditioning on their behavior. It is their choice! It is essential for students to understand how their behavior affects their habits. The 7 Habits is a hands-on tool that students can implement in their everyday lives.
The ppt is aligned to the following FYE outcome:
“Through thoughtful reflection on feedback, students will become flexible and introspective learners who practice strategies to build resilience, make visible their self-regulatory behaviors, and think strategically about how to become the learner and creator of meaning they want to become.”