what do you need?

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    • #3374

      benjamin haas

      hey friends,

      i just got off the second day of calls for this week, and i am only hearing from a very few of you on these calls. which is ok, but i would like to know that you are doing ok, so i wanted to check in and see if there was something else you needed from me or if threre wa a way that i can get more of you invovled. let me know if thee is something tha5 i am not doing that you need or would liek to see.

      in solidarity

    • #3384


      Hi Professor, Mondays do not work for me as I have a class during the times that you are available, also I wasn’t aware that I had to download a new app for the sessions until yesterday. I knew we weren’t using zoom anymore though. The afternoon works better for me as well but I will try to be available for one of the next sessions.

      • #3387

        benjamin haas

        well you can just use a web browser to get into the calls on a computer or on a phone use a new app.

        yes we have calls on mondays and tuesdays 11-1 (bc thats was the best time you all picked on doodle) but you are not required to any of them, but it seems weird i only saw 5 people total this week.

        if there is something else folx need let me know.

    • #3410

      Elizabeth Olmedo

      Hi , I haven’t been to going to the call’s because I have very limited internet but I will try to be on the next one . I am doing fine and hope everyone is safe and well .

    • #3416

      benjamin haas

      hey friends just wanted to say i dont mean this as guilt or shade.

      jsut askinng what you need, if you can’t make it thats ok.

      i did also make sure to put these times so they overlap all our class times so that you should have at least one of the hours from one of the day s free theoretically.


      maybe see you this afternoon or tomorrow.

    • #3425


      I don’t really need anything at the moment I just want things back to normal its really hard to do some classes over the computer instead of face to face, I really hope things go back to normal.

    • #3427


      Professor I have a few minutes as my other class will be late, I’m on Jitsi now but I’m the only one there.

    • #3428


      I’ll show up again for tomorrow’s session. Have a good day guys.

    • #3437

      benjamin haas

      hey sorry about that everyone seemed to be havig technical problems yesterday so i logged off early.  appologies, i will be on today at 11.




    • #3438


      Hey Professor,

      I’m sorry I have not been attending the calls just got a lot going on personally. I emailed you but I haven’t heard a response which is fine but I’m just checking in and making sure all is well.

      • #3463

        benjamin haas

        i am well thanks. just saw your email. i apologize i am getting so many these days.



    • #3474

      Paige Lemek

      hi benjamin! Im sorry it has been a while since we have talked, I hope to be at the next meetings. I hope you and everyone else are staying safe and doing our best to put ourselves and loved ones first. It has been a battle to maintain my mental health lately, I have moved during this time and will have to move again soon. Ive been trying to use this time to work on myself internally at a slow and healthy pace and continue to detach myself from the outside expectations we usually risk ourselves for. I am sending out love and support to anyone who needs it at this time. If anyone would like to chat or needs someone to listen my instagram is @paigelemek don’t hesitate! see you all soon 🙂

      • #3480

        benjamin haas

        hey paige, thanks for the message and the offer of support.

        all the moving sounds really complex, and i hope you get to feel more stable soon. i don’t have instagram but i do really appreciate hearing from ya so do check in here sometimes too!!

        and yes, do what you need. that’s the deal, and just let me know if i can help.


        sending my thoughts, wishes, dreams, love, and care to you and all of yours!!!



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