Jenny Petit-Frere
GWS 100-130W
Professor Brianne Waychoff
Snapshot 1
According to raising zoomer in the article entitles “ Sex & Gender 101 gender assignment is when a person is categorized as a man or a woman. However some people may think it is acceptable to change their sex. My least favorite part of this article was when the author was talking about sexual orientation. The conversation that I always have with my mom is that God created us a certain way for a reason. We have no right to change who we are. I know many people who follow the society norms just because they want to fit in with everyone. For example, for a long time a man that was born as a man can change his gender by going through various surgical procedures like removing their genitalia, beards, and even change their voice to make them seem more feminine. Women can also do the same thing, or many women choose to be bisexual which is liking both genders or they could also be strictly lesbian. As for men they could be also bisexual, or gay. I am a very religious person and things like these make me very angry because most people are following what the world is doing and following society norms. However, I disagree with this completely because when the world was created god made a man and woman. In conclusion not only are we taking a risk but we are also telling god that he does not know what he is doing.