Category Archives: Response 11

Response- 11

From the first video called “The Abortion Divide” by PBS Frontline, some of these mothers in general came to abortion clinics due to them not being financially stable enough to support another child. A few women has chose the process of abortion by taking oral medicine which starts the contractions and bleeding to terminate pregnancies. Some women find this process disturbing when they are being told that after the fetus is pulled out from the mother, the baby is literally torn to pieces by doctors and therefore ending its life. In SnapShot 11 I like MeiQiChen Snapshot because it really shows that women have the right to choose whether to keep their child or not because it is their own body. Women go through so many things. When a girl got raped and got pregnent and don’t want the baby at that moment they have to choose the abortinon option. It isn’t so easy for women to defend themselves from rape. Also sometimes when someone in a good relationship and their partner have physical relation pregnancy could happen too. It could be an accident. 

I felt that pregnancy could be hard for all women because it can also take the risk of dying if both mom and baby are in there for too long. An Abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. For many women, having access to an Abortion is important because it is a key component of women’s comprehensive health care. When I watched the documentary ‘The Abortion Divide’, I heard when one of the women say oh I should have kept this a secret. I think at the end of the day it is all that is your choice and it’s all that matters. If a woman doesn’t think they can keep the baby or take care of the baby they have the right to choose whatever they want. I have seen many girls who got pregnnant and their partner left them and they want to raise their kids as a single mother then they go for abortion too. Abortion used to be illigal in some places. But these days it’s getting better. Womens have their own right to choose. I think this is very important. Also at the same time I feel like some women don’t deserve to be mothers, they mistreat, disrespect their children which leads to bad self-esteem. They criticized their own kids, they beat them for very small matters. My point is if someone doesn’t know how to be a good mom they should not be a mom. They should not be mothers. I read many news stories where mothers kill their own kids. But at the end I think Reproductive justice and sex education is necessary in order to help everyone, not just those who can give birth. And every woman should be aware of it. 

Response 11

The abortion debate has been an extremely sensitive conversation for an abundance of years. A debate that has caused consistent strife in the relationship between women, their moral compass, and the government while receiving criticism from conservatives, pro-life radicals, and men.

As they continue to debate this touchy subject there must be a moment of self-reflection…. “ what would I do if I was In this situation? “ while taking into consideration why these women might be in that situation. What is their story? What is their truth? Is it t ideal to abort a developing child, a unique life? Of Course not. However, it may be necessary. Life is unpredictable. Everyone’s story is different. Some things people have no control over but there should be an effort to protect those on the other side. Abortion should be legal because some pregnancies are a result of a crime, many expecting women don’t have the resources to support their unborn children, and women may want a better quality of life for their kids.

The frontline documentary The Abortion Divide discusses these issues full-throttle including the views of women who have had abortions and the women who decided to keep their children. It discusses how heavy the decision is Regardless of what side of the spectrum one may be on. It’s important to understand that no one can understand the true magnitude of such a decision but the women who are faced with the dilemma of whether or not to abort their child.

Even businesses are finding their place in the abortion debate and determining if a woman truly has the right to terminate her pregnancy. One company that has been more than vocal is hobby lobby. Arguing against abortion because it goes against the owner’s Christian values. These comments made all major outlets including late-night shows like  Tonight with John Oliver. Oliver discusses how these companies are seeking freedom of religion and not having their money be allocated towards things like abortion. I believe that a lot of these large corporations that business and personal should be kept separate.I also believe as a society we need to understand the true magnitude of Abortion and that it’s not as black and white as keeping or aborting a child as a whole.

Overall, If one truly takes into consideration the various reasoning behind abortion you may find that pro-choice in reality is pro-life, despite the differing feels on both sides. Many pregnant women don’t have the resources to support their unborn children.  There are also many pregnant women who cannot carry full-term pregnancies or can possibly die if they do carry to full term. Not allowing these women the opportunity to have a choice in such a life-altering situation is almost inhumane. The nation must protect our women. there are many instances where abortion may be called for. The nation has to learn to stop policing these women based on what we see and work in becoming more educated so they can make these decisions based on what they know and less on how they feel. These women are forced to make one of the hardest choices in their lifetime. A pain that none of us can feel but we can stand by these women. We can be kind and show compassion. we can raise awareness for our sisters who may have no other option. We can change the narrative. Pro-choice is pro-life and there are plenty of lives to be saved.

Response 11

Any woman has the right to decide what gets to be done with their body an their life. They have the right to know or conman any medical concerns when it comes on to THEIR body. When bring a child into this whole a lot people go ahead an do it without a plan or a second thought because they know in themselves that they will do any thing they have to make that child life the best, others not so much. Some people struggle with this decision whether it be based off religious or cultural backgrounds , the judgement of others etc. Because of these people or things it makes women feel that they or sinking or they might me a. Ad person or mother to refuse to bring a child into the world an commit abortion is a sin , I for one totally disagree. When it comes on to bringing a whole human being into the world I don’t think you should just take it lightly it is a lot of responsibility your not just responsible for yourself but for a whole other life a life that you have to care for for both of you. I believe contraceptives is very important: birth control and condoms most important thing when having sec to prevent abortion. Sometimes mistakes happen an you do end up pregnant but you have your options no one should judge you of your decision because you know what’s best for you than any one else would. A lot of times women get scared because of the risk an of the procedure which is totally understandable in cases like these other people shouldn’t have decision but just be their for the woman that’s going to have the make one of the most important decisions of her life. The video “The The Abortion Divide” tells the tale of what a could to be mother goes through mentally. I’m some scenes it shows the option on what abortion would be in certain stages of pregnancy. In either stage it’s still a horrible decision to make. I feel horrible for some women who has to go through situations the clinic while protester stand outside an bash them for a decision that has nothing to with them. Women should have rights an freedom to do whatever to their bodies an those rights shouldn’t be questioned. I really love an connected with karina Cruz it’s depicts women of all ages, size an race rallying an protesting the right for the freedom and for their rights. When women come together there is no bond or law stronger. 

Jenny Petit-Frere

The video entitled “The Abortion Divide” is about numerous women who come to the abortion clinic to get abortion. While watching this video it seems like many of the women were skeptical about getting the procedure done. After hearing about the risks that this may cause, many of them are horrified. There are many risks to having an abortion which are infections, heavy bleeding, clots on the uterus, damage to the vagina, uterus, problems with future pregnancies, and even death. In the early 1980s there were a few of the crisis pregnancy centers operating. Now there are thousands across the country. There are 150 on Pennsylvania which are located near abortion clinics. They are not required to have a license unlike abortion clinics. 

While watching this video this made me sick to my stomach because I feel like women think that this procedure is easier said than done. Not only are you murdering an inncocent baby, you can die or suffer for the rest of your life after doing this process. I understand that people have different opinions and that women have rights to do what they please but I think that we don’t think enough before making this ridiculous decision. Especially if you are a woman or have children already what makes the 6th or 7th child so different from the others. Why not have your child and put it up for adoption, why go through something so painful? I feel like women don’t take responsibility for what they do. For example, one woman in the video said that she had unprotected sex not knowing she would get pregnant. What sense does that make? If you were smart you would use protection instead of making a selfish decision of ending an innocent baby’s life. While watching this video many of the women did not seem remorseful for what they’re about to do. Even when they were told about the risks, they went ahead to do the procedure anyway. My problem is why have sexual relations with no protection, then get suprised when you are pregnant, and then decide to murder an unborn child. If i was a female i would rather not have sex at all or use protection instead of going through this procedure. 

In conclusion i believe that abortion is not the answer to everything. I think no matter what you should have your child and keep it or give it up for adoption. I believe that abortion should be againsts the law. Abortion to me is murdering an innocent life. The people who do this should not be blessed with a child if this is what they do, especially the mothers who have had kids before.

Response 11

The video “The Abortion Divide” focuses on people having a different perspective of what a woman’s body is for, wanting to outlaw abortion. More states are starting to outlaw abortion, the idea I think the state has is women don’t have enough common sense to make a decision, or they are not responsible enough to make their own decision. By doing that they let men vote on what a woman should do with her body. Men especially older men shouldn’t have a say in what women do with their bodies, they never experience pregnancy, they never experience a menstrual cycle. They shouldn’t have a say in a body besides their own body. Many women choose abortion because they can’t support two people at once, which lead to the child having a hard life, having poor health quality, not being financially stable, not being able to be a single mother, not wanting to put the child into an adoption center because most like they are miss treated, not finding a home, being abused by their foster parent, also some women choose abortion because they were rape. Women should be able to make their own decision, it’s their body that is going through the process, they shouldn’t be forced into something they are not ready for, they shouldn’t be forced into having children based on the fact that most people believe it is a woman’s job to have children. Some women don’t deserve to be mothers, they mistreat, disrespect their children which leads to bad self-esteem. When women go along with the pregnancy people are criticizing them, asking why they had that kid? they are going to be a bad mother, she should give it to someone who deserves it, why did she think it was the right decision to bring a kid into this world? Telling women how they should be raising their children. Most of the time they bring women’s weight into it, telling them they don’t look as pretty as they did before pregnancy, they should work out to lose some of the baby fat. Criticizing when a woman says she not feeling mentally happy.

Response 11 on Reproductive Justice

The subject of abortion can seem very delicate to some while it may seem like a very simple and straight forward topic to others. The topic usually seems to be two sided, one’s decision seems to lie between either getting an abortion done or not. As someone who has benefitted many times from a reproductive health care organization, it can be quite upsetting to observe how religious protestors, in a way, harass individuals entering the clinic. I did however find it interesting to see both sides of this experience because as someone who grew up Catholic and being taught that abortion is a sin, other options may appear appealing to someone who would want to consider them but protest and what seems to be a form of harassment does not seem very efficient in my opinion. I think Karinys Carrillo’s snapshot does a great job at depicting the struggle between each side and the way these options seem forced upon individuals who may or may not want to bear a child.

In John Oliver’s take on Hobby Lobby, the explanation of how larger corporations want to pick and choose whether their finances support reproductive justice although they are not classified as individuals and therefore cannot enforce that depicts how even institutions like the Supreme Court should not have a say on whether individuals can have access to reproductive health services like abortion since it is not considered an individual — and as a joke, cannot part take in the annoyance of life like an individual has to. While watching the documentary, “The Abortion Divide”, I was impressed by Dr. George Isajiw’s initiative to house women who decided to keep their babies despite their identity or background because I have always thought about how the religious push the idea of abortion being murder but forget that children can just as likely end up harmed, neglected, and forgotten if a mother does not have access to the necessary tools to raise a child. My question is, if there are many religious individuals and doctors who seek to help mothers and their unborn children, why is there no talk or mention of programs or safe spaces such as the Mother’s Home in the documentary? I think religious individual also have to do their part to think about ways in which they can help prevent unplanned pregnancies to help reduce the number of abortions. I doubt that they will seek to compromise but if an end to abortions is what they seek to accomplish I think their fight has to include promoting the prevention of pregnancy. I myself am unsure as to how they would do this since many concepts of safe sex go against religion.

I think the world also has to stop seeing women solely as wombs or child bearers because women are individuals who should have the freedom to decide for themselves and seek guidance from whomever they feel is best. Oftentimes, it is the life and safety of the unborn that is thought about first but women also risk their lives in childbirth or during pregnancy. The public fails to recognize that even children can end up pregnant and that can put their lives at risk. Pregnancy can also be a result of traumatic events in women’s lives and they should not be forced to go through a second trauma. Reproductive justice and sex education is necessary in order to help everyone, not just those who can give birth.

Response 11:

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. The abortion topic is such a controversial issue because of the negative and positive context that it has. Many influences, such as political and social languages, have made abortion challenging to define or apply anywhere. The film “The Abortion Divided” exams and discover the sides of abortion. It is explained through the real-life experiences of public and private discussions of women handling their unplanned pregnancies.

I don’t feel any way towards abortions. I am not against them because it is a choice someone should have based on their circumstances. It is a decision made with so many different reasons for women. There are so many reasons for someone to choose to have an abortion, for example, unplanned, mental health, physical health, financial status, environment, religion, society, culture, and even emotions. Even the reasons I mention can have a drastic change after one has an abortion or doesn’t. I think it is super important as human beings, professionals, doctors, etc., to be willing to keep being receptive to people’s reasonings and circumstances.

There was this person in the film that discussed her decision to get an abortion. It was portrayed in the movie that she was one out of many women who decided that decision, and especially for her, she felt as if she couldn’t bring another child into this world because she wasn’t financially stable enough with her four other kids. Her decision to not continue with her pregnancy was so understandable for me in a way. First, of course, it is her body and choice but secondly, why would she bring another child into this world that would have to struggle just like her other kids. Plus, if she is already unstable with just four, imagine with five.

It is as well essential to have open, public, and accessible conversations about abortions. I learned about abortions and had my interpretations of them while growing up through watching them on tv and then in real life. The teen tv shows presented young teen moms as the worst thing in the world, and as the solution or reverse of the mistake of having sex, abortion was brought in as a security system. Making that mistake disappear. Abortions were made to be like a recovery quickly system against further consequences. Sometimes though, it felt like that wasn’t always what abortion was cracked up to be because there are even shows supporting teen pregnancy. It doesn’t seem to be from a place of just making money but like presenting to the world publicly and nationally some real positive and negative outcomes that are being truly experienced. I honestly lacked knowledge about the facts about abortions and how they are super safe.A snapshot that took my attention was Karinys Carrillo’s snapshot. It is an image of a women’s insides being pulled from two different directions by people. I believe that this is how women feel based on these many strings attached to their bodies and decisions.

Response 11

I would have to agree with many of the other snapshots that came from the other students. Many of the image posts are of women in protest holding up signs that say “Our body our choice” But my favorite is “If it’s not your body it’s not your choice”. It’s hard when you think about society and just how much control stuffy old men have over people with ovaries bodies. It’s not just them it’s also been carried down by generations by some of the younger men nowadays. The youngest generation is absolutely changing and trying to change the mindset of not only themselves but also the older people. We still have a long way to go before a woman can control their own body.

In the video The Abortion Divide by Frontline PBS they interviewed a woman named Christine and her husband Micha. Even when they went to the clinic Christine knew they couldn’t keep the babies. After finding out she was going to have twins it hit her pretty hard because now she had to make the decisions for two embryos. The point I want to make here is that Christine was making her choice for her and her husband was understanding because they knew as a family that their younger son, who is on the spectrum could not deal with kids. So why put a baby or babies into a dangerous situation. Christine was deciding what’s best for her own body and her own life. The child she already had and is raising is more important than the embryos who haven’t even had a chance to develop yet. The video also followed other families like the woman who had 4 kids already and recognized that she was nowhere near financially stable to raise more kids.

The volunteers and workers help protect the women who go into places like planned parenthood. What going on in our bodies is already terrifying enough but to be hounded by people yelling at us that we are murders or yelling bible verses at us is over the top.

The people who don’t have ovaries can’t make these decisions for us in a closed-off supreme courtroom because they don’t live our life, they don’t understand what could be happening behind our own closed door, so why do they get to make decisions for us?

I’ll be honest I didn’t finish watching the video Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It boggles my mind that corporations that have nothing to do with woman’s bodies actually think they could control it under the disguise of religious rights. We let these corporations and these men control our bodies for far too long and it’s time this changed.

Response 11

The only person who should be making a choice regarding having in abortion or not are women, it’s their body no one else should be making their decisions for them. Specially not men or institution such as the church. 

 While watching “The Abortion Divide” I couldn’t help but feel frustrated, upset and annoyed about the whole situation how  the protesters stay outside the clinic shaming and trying to persuade women not to get in abortion. 

It’s very upsetting that doctors, nurses and the rest of the clinic staff don’t feel safe and people outside are treating them and at times get violence. Nobody should feel unsafe while doing their job.

In one scene on the documentary theirs this lady who says “that woman simply can’t make moral decisions on their own, the state has to intervene and tell them what to do” I think she goes against everything women have fought for century’s and still are fighting now.  

Women choose to get abortion for many reasons it could be their age, finical stability, health, but at the end of the day it’s their body their choice. They shouldn’t feel they need to explain to others why they are getting an abortion.

 It’s funny to me how most of the protesters outside the clinic are men who have no clue or know anything about the women’s body or about giving birth. If it was the other way around and men were the one getting pregnant nobody would be against abortion clinics. 

The shelter that’s provided to women who are  pregnant and allows them to stay 6 months after they delivered, isn’t the solution to the problem if anything they are just prolonging it. New mother’s need more than just a shelter  to live in they need support system, financial stability. 

The snapshot that Keona Malcom posted reminded me of the protester on the documentary all their talk about god and how you are taking away a live. They should learn to accept and  respect women’s choices.  

I think the women who got the abortion done were very brave and smart they were aware they couldn’t provide everything a child needs. They should not feel ashamed for having goals and dreams they want to achieve.   

Response 11

Abortion is a huge decision that you need to think about it before doing it and also at the same time it’s your body your choice. When I watched the documentary ‘The Abortion Divide’, I heard when one of the women say oh I should have kept this a secret… I think at the end of the day it’s your choice if you want to tell you family and friends about what you decided to do and yes those people may judge you and tell you so many other things that I feel like you don’t even have to listen because it’s your body. They also mention how very few women are likely to do the abortion but once you show those women what there baby looks like getting the abortion it changes their decision which in this case I feel like those women who end up doing the abortion think it’s best for them but who knows everyone has their reasons of what their doing. Something I did ask myself is how do these women feel after they do the procedure and if there mind change base on what they did. I agree with Dr.Ruberu from the documentary ‘The Abortion Divide’ when she said how when an abortion takes place in an innocent life that has not done any harm to anybody is destroyed. Why, because to me I think that human being was brought into this world for a reason and on top of that that it’s not the baby’s fault. Another question that came to my mind is how do these doctors feel doing this whole abortion procedure? Or do they even have any thoughts about it while doing the procedure. In my opinion I think that abortion would not be the best choice because that child hasn’t even been born yet, the mother could be facing personal issues, or maybe more support would be helpful when it comes to making an decision like that. Maybe thinking of other decision’s such as giving up your child for adoption because there are people who probably can’t even have kids. Again it’s your body your choice that’s just an opinion I mentioned about.

I feel like even before you think about doing the abortion and your decision after can affect you many way’s because it could be something your doing for the first time. I wonder if the mother would change their decision after they did the abortion, just a curious thought. Further more I think that abortion is not the best option for the mother because that child deserves to live and not be killed. At the end of the day that child is a human living inside of you. If I know I don’t want that child I would start looking what other options can be made other than putting the child for adoption. Also seeking for help and support is important because like I said from the beginning it’s a huge decision you are making, overall it’s your choice at the end of the day.