Privilege, oppression, and intersectionality are words that have taken over the media over the past few years and, more importantly, the lives of innocent individuals. Privilege is a term regularly used to describe race, sex, and class disparities as it gives a particular category of people a natural advantage over another disadvantaging party. Because privilege is present amongst so many topics, it also relates to intersectionality as it impacts a wide variety of social groups and plays a role in many social issues. In the article written by Peggy McIntosh, privilege is used in terms of race as the author elaborates heavily on white privilege. White privilege can be described as the automatic advantage placed upon white people primarily because the structure of our institutions was designed for their benefit and the detriment of people of color. McIntosh brings up an essential point regarding taboos as, most often, those in positions of privilege are extremely comfortable and typically oblivious to their advantage. Therefore, those benefiting from such injustice try not to discuss their privilege, leading to the taboo culture surrounding such an unjust issue. McIntosh raises an excellent point contributing to this idea. She basically says white people do not acknowledge their privilege the same way males do not acknowledge theirs. When they do, why would that be something they want to be taken away from them? Anyone would want a head start; however, not enough people are compassionate about those they simultaneously disadvantage. Throughout the article, the metaphorical image of a knapsack is furthered as it symbolizes the heavy baggage people of color must carry to complete the same journey their white counterparts so effortlessly conquered.
Marilyn Frye elaborates on oppression on a slightly different level in a separate article as she breaks down the word oppression to examine its true meaning and effects. Frye brings the root word of oppression, “press,” to the reader’s attention as she describes it as reducing something in bulk. Thus, explaining the pressing matter of oppression on several levels, including race, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, and gender, especially since no human is exempt from social structures. Marilyn Frye also uses imagery and metaphorical language to further her claim as she compares a caged bird to the lives of the oppressed. Similar to white privilege, there are also two roles in oppression. There is the oppressor and the oppressed alongside a structure of systems weaponized and run by the oppressors. And once again, those in positions of power who are socially capable of doing the oppressing do not have much to complain about, which leads to a further lack of compassion and understanding for those in the position of the oppressed. Considering the roles can and will never be reversed, this article furthers the point that Black people will never amount to the mass power white people have, like the relationship between men and women and the wealthy and the poor. Both articles subconsciously support the fact that reverse racism does not exist simply because the roles will never be reversed, and the damage is already done.