Content Response # 3

I really like Safiya’s demonstration of white privilege and racial inequities. It’s a shame that black children have to be exposed to violence against their own people so early on. It’s even worse when the parent deems it necessarily for their safety. Young black men and women get brutality murdered by the police for unjust causes at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, at the same age that children of color are taught about the many ways their lives could be endangered, white boys and girls are taught about “the birds and the bees”. That dichotomy is extremely jarring but it can be perfectly explained by Peggy McIntosh’s, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” where they speak about how, “White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.” It is things like these that let white kids stay innocent and in many ways, oblivious to their privileges up until adulthood and for many, their entire lives. White people inherit these privileges as soon they are born, unlike POC’s who’s skin color poses disadvantages that aren’t deserved. Human rights are about making sure that things are not only equal, but fair as well.

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