Response 1

MeiQi Chen really drew out the main points of Bell Hooks, the author of “Feminist Politics: Where we stand.” Feminist Politics really discusses the breakdown of what feminism really is and what is the cause of it. Yet this author discusses the true predators of these women who advocate for their rights against the sexist. The author really emphasizes the issues of race, economic status, even sex. Sometimes, when we automatically think about feminism, we think about men harassing women or dominating men; they can be seen as angry women who despise men. But one’s own gender can be as cruel. I think, coming from my own personal experience, it’s always been a struggle to uphold power over men and still have those men respect you still. I played basketball in high school, and when you play a sport, guys tend to respect you in some shape or form, especially if you are good at it. Yet guys can feel intimidated by that because your better at something they are supposed to be dominant in, or they use terms like “you need to be more girly because it is not attractive anymore.” Even with my own sex, balancing the judgments and respect seems hard because females can disrespect another female just as badly as men do. Everyone has their own personality or characteristics that don’t uphold the male or female stereotypes. I think it’s hard to clearly see the lines of what you can and can’t be doing. There is so much uncertainty. Another big concept in this article about becoming a feminist is that they are created, not born. Being able to change one’s self begins the awakening of one our surroundings and perception. According to Hooks, “In many groups, a policy was in place which honored everyone’s voice.” (Hooks, 9) Communication is the key to valuing and discussing the true ideas of the unfair cruel treatment of any gender. A feminist can include people from different ranges of race, economic status, sexual orientation, or just any type of background. As a feminist, they can understand and breakdown the world for what can develop instead picking at the what it is. Recognizing that everyone has different needs and opportunities will create a well-desired outcome instead of trying to make everyone have the same amount of opportunities when everyone has different needs.

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