Gender Binary is the way we as individuals are categorized based on sex . Males fall on the more masculine side while females are on the feminine side. According to “a classification system consisting of two genders, male and female.”, it is also defined as “a concept or belief that there are only two genders and that one’s sex or gender assigned at birth will align with traditional social constructs of masculine and feminine identity, expression, and sexuality”. In our constantly changing society, beliefs, ideas, and so on concerning gender are consistently changing to create a safe space for those who may not identify or go against such traditional or societal norms.
Alok V Manin discusses Gender binary in-depth and concepts beyond the gender binary in his publication “Beyond The Gender Binary”.Within this excerpt, Manin takes a non-binary approach urging society to take a different look at gender. Manin believes that gender is not as black and white as we may view it be and that who an individual is in terms of personality and the things they enjoy. Manin who is non-binary, meaning they do not identify as a man or woman in terms of gender ultimately argues that gender is flexible and should be used as a means of truly expressing one’s self. It is no secret that deciding to go against these norms comes with its own backlash, Manin even discusses meeting other people who were once like him and changed due to societal pressures quite like the individual who stopped them in the grocery store to ask why they dress like that from a place of curiosity and people who just downright don’t agree with liberating oneself from the restriction of gender and tend to be more hostile
Gender fluidity is complex, especially in a society that is conditioned to think a certain way. The concept of identifying as non-binary for many can be confusing because our sex is so closely linked with our gender. Today more than ever those willing to step outside the box especially those from minority groups are being targeted by legislation and political agendas thus taking the conversation beyond the gender binary. As argued by Manin, the pushback regarding gender and gender binary ideals is rooted in control and establishing power within however many do not realize this because it is portrayed more as a body argument than what it truly is another means of oppression and control. In conclusion, as a society, we must begin to seek a deeper understanding of the things taking place around us and the behaviors of higher-ups when those who are oppressed begin to create a space for themselves. The hands of the oppressor seek to add a political or religious influence to these things and not in an effort that is for the betterment but in an effort to maintain control at all times.