Response- 10

As people grow up they get criticized or accepted for speaking another language or how they look. While reading the article it points out how people are separated into different categories such as White with whites, Black with Blacks, and Mexican With Mexicans. Identity tells us a lot about other people; it tells us who you are and how you think of yourself and the way you are seen by the world and how it defines you. The article “Too Latina To Be Black, Too Black To Be Latina” focuses on accepting oneself even when getting criticized for accepting your culture. Identity is the way we define ourselves, we should always respect one another by representing our own identity. The article “Too Latina To Be Black, Too Black To Be Latina” focuses on accepting oneself even when getting criticized for accepting your culture. People are always labeled based on skin tone and never personality which makes it difficult for society to change and to accept someone. So the purpose of power tells us that not everyone can get the power only the white race can. I think this is not the right way to treat a person. Everyone should have their own whom they want to be with, where they want to be, what they want to eat. It all depends on themselves. 

The second article “The Power of Identity Politics” focuses on how most people lack power. We let people decide what our identity should be. In this society people go for color. White people get more respect than any other color. The other races get poor healthcare, are more likely to be unemployed, and have a horrible community. I think this topic of identity politics goes back to the idea of privilege. Whether it is deserved or not, there are some advantages and special rights towards white people that they don’t realize they have that define their power, identity, authority. And we should all help one another out. We are all humans.

The SnapShot that really stood up to me was Allison’s post. I agree with Allison’s post because Amara la negra is a reality tv star who has been degraded because she looks different. As an afro latina many people label her being too black to be considered a latina.  She has always faced the idea of colorism and racism because of her appearance. In the text of “To Latina To Be Black,” a quote that stood out to me was, ” Even now as an adult, I find people are constantly trying to restrict me into a specific mold and identity. 

I believe that as a society, we must understand that having multiple identities is something that should not be frowned upon but should be celebrated.

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