Response 11:

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. The abortion topic is such a controversial issue because of the negative and positive context that it has. Many influences, such as political and social languages, have made abortion challenging to define or apply anywhere. The film “The Abortion Divided” exams and discover the sides of abortion. It is explained through the real-life experiences of public and private discussions of women handling their unplanned pregnancies.

I don’t feel any way towards abortions. I am not against them because it is a choice someone should have based on their circumstances. It is a decision made with so many different reasons for women. There are so many reasons for someone to choose to have an abortion, for example, unplanned, mental health, physical health, financial status, environment, religion, society, culture, and even emotions. Even the reasons I mention can have a drastic change after one has an abortion or doesn’t. I think it is super important as human beings, professionals, doctors, etc., to be willing to keep being receptive to people’s reasonings and circumstances.

There was this person in the film that discussed her decision to get an abortion. It was portrayed in the movie that she was one out of many women who decided that decision, and especially for her, she felt as if she couldn’t bring another child into this world because she wasn’t financially stable enough with her four other kids. Her decision to not continue with her pregnancy was so understandable for me in a way. First, of course, it is her body and choice but secondly, why would she bring another child into this world that would have to struggle just like her other kids. Plus, if she is already unstable with just four, imagine with five.

It is as well essential to have open, public, and accessible conversations about abortions. I learned about abortions and had my interpretations of them while growing up through watching them on tv and then in real life. The teen tv shows presented young teen moms as the worst thing in the world, and as the solution or reverse of the mistake of having sex, abortion was brought in as a security system. Making that mistake disappear. Abortions were made to be like a recovery quickly system against further consequences. Sometimes though, it felt like that wasn’t always what abortion was cracked up to be because there are even shows supporting teen pregnancy. It doesn’t seem to be from a place of just making money but like presenting to the world publicly and nationally some real positive and negative outcomes that are being truly experienced. I honestly lacked knowledge about the facts about abortions and how they are super safe.A snapshot that took my attention was Karinys Carrillo’s snapshot. It is an image of a women’s insides being pulled from two different directions by people. I believe that this is how women feel based on these many strings attached to their bodies and decisions.

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