I would have to agree with many of the other snapshots that came from the other students. Many of the image posts are of women in protest holding up signs that say “Our body our choice” But my favorite is “If it’s not your body it’s not your choice”. It’s hard when you think about society and just how much control stuffy old men have over people with ovaries bodies. It’s not just them it’s also been carried down by generations by some of the younger men nowadays. The youngest generation is absolutely changing and trying to change the mindset of not only themselves but also the older people. We still have a long way to go before a woman can control their own body.
In the video The Abortion Divide by Frontline PBS they interviewed a woman named Christine and her husband Micha. Even when they went to the clinic Christine knew they couldn’t keep the babies. After finding out she was going to have twins it hit her pretty hard because now she had to make the decisions for two embryos. The point I want to make here is that Christine was making her choice for her and her husband was understanding because they knew as a family that their younger son, who is on the spectrum could not deal with kids. So why put a baby or babies into a dangerous situation. Christine was deciding what’s best for her own body and her own life. The child she already had and is raising is more important than the embryos who haven’t even had a chance to develop yet. The video also followed other families like the woman who had 4 kids already and recognized that she was nowhere near financially stable to raise more kids.
The volunteers and workers help protect the women who go into places like planned parenthood. What going on in our bodies is already terrifying enough but to be hounded by people yelling at us that we are murders or yelling bible verses at us is over the top.
The people who don’t have ovaries can’t make these decisions for us in a closed-off supreme courtroom because they don’t live our life, they don’t understand what could be happening behind our own closed door, so why do they get to make decisions for us?
I’ll be honest I didn’t finish watching the video Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It boggles my mind that corporations that have nothing to do with woman’s bodies actually think they could control it under the disguise of religious rights. We let these corporations and these men control our bodies for far too long and it’s time this changed.